Kid Ruins Barbecue by Throwing Fireworks on the Grill
- His family’s not getting invited back.
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Police Interrogating Man During Roadside Stop...
- Cops really don’t like it when you blow up a bomb in...
Gas Tank Explodes, Shakes the Entire Neighborhood
- The cause of the explosion is not yet known.
Bag Catches Fire Mid-Flight
- Sigh, this is just going to keep happening, huh?
Watch Some Dudes Explode a Basketball
- The noise it makes is something else.
Oxygen Tanker Explodes, Causes A Torrential Downpour...
- Look at all the colors!
Man Blowing Up Car Blows Himself Up, Too
- That’s not supposed to happen!
Woman Tries to Use Fire Extinguisher, Creates Rocket...
- That’s not how you do that at all.
Green Chemical Fires Spotted Belching Out of Texas...
- They’re making the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles down...
Family Dinner Ruined After Fondue Pot Suddenly Explodes
- And they didn’t even get to dip yet!
Cargo Ship Collides With Oil Tanker Off UK Coast
- It’s not just planes that are having problems.
Alleged Shoddy Drug Lab Makes Neighborhood House...
- These guys gotta get better at fireproofing their drug...
Reporter Catches Transformer Exploding in the Middle...
- Better stay inside for this report.
Dudes Make Shop Vac Flamethrower, Set Lawn (and...
- What was the goal here, exactly?
Power Bank Explodes Right in Woman’s Face
- Don’t buy your power banks off of Temu.
Gas Truck Explodes and Goes Flying Like a Rocket
- Gas power, meet rocket power.
Truck Randomly Explodes As It’s Being Unloaded by...
- Talk about a bad day on the job.
Woman Lights Cig While Pumping Gas, and the Expected...
- Fire and gasoline mix really, really well — which is...
Watch a Man Fire a Homemade Rocket Launcher
- This is why you don’t use a closed tube for your...
The Girandola May Be the Coolest Firework Ever
- There are some places that just do fireworks better...
Here’s What It’s Like to Get Hit With the...
- It’s pretty bad.
Man Intentionally Blows Up His Whole House
- Andrew McCubin, 57, was recently found to have...
Fireworks Store Lights Up, Causing Several Explosions
- It’s the last thing you want to happen at a...
Toll Booth in Colombia Gets Blown Up in Apparent...
- The attack is one of several that have occurred in the...
Failed Cook Lighting Gas Stove Lights Whole House Up...
- And people say these things are dangerous.
Singer Gets a Face Full of Fire After Standing Right...
- If you can’t handle the heat, get off the stage.
Man Turns Himself Into Firework Disco Ball, Shoots...
- With friends like these…
Partiers Try to Shoot Fireworks Off Their Balcony,...
- Point the tip *away* from you.
Auto Shop Worker Learns Important Lesson About...
- Sparks = fire = explosion.
Man Tries to Protest Against Restaurant, Ends Up...
- Well…message sent, I guess.
Man Gets Disrobed by Exploding Tire
- At least buy him dinner first.
Oh God, Ukraine Says Russia Just Hit Chernobyl With a...
- It’s really one of the last places you want to be...
Fuel Truck Crashes into Asphalt Truck, Resulting in...
- What else did you expect a truck full of fuel to do?
Cell Phone Explodes in Woman’s Pocket
- Taking “lighting up my phone” to a whole new level.
Gas Explosion Destroys Taiwanese Department Store
- The blast appears to have killed four people and...
‘Spring Festival’ Fills City With Explosions,...
- Are we having fun yet?
Man Doing Laundry Narrowly Avoids Washing Machine...
- Check your pockets before putting your stuff in the...
Dude Takes Down a Building by Throwing a Single Rock
- Well…that didn’t take much.
Failed Cooks Take Flaming Dish Outside, Immediately...
- Now it’s *everybody’s* problem.
Man Briefly Sets His Entire Head On Fire
- What a scary few seconds.
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