Hot Girl Left Flabbergasted After Dude Rejects Her...
- He gave her the "You'll be ok, pull yourself together"...
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26 Relationship Fails Making Us Glad We're Single
- They must really love each other to put up with this...
Karen Attempts to Use the Force, Gets Tazed to the...
- A woman charged a police officer at the gas station in...
Lady's Jump Split Brings the Party to a Halt
- She should have read the room.
21 Photos Taken At The Right Moment
- This was their time to shine!
TikTok Car Crash Video is What the World Has Come To
- Seriously, WTF is going on here.
Olivia Jade Returns to YouTube After College Admission...
- She should be in jail with her mom.
YouTube's 2019 Year in Rewind is Even Worse Than Last...
- Looks like they're trying to break the record for most...
20 Facepalm Inducing Cases of Instagram vs Reality
- When their lies get exposed.
Man Tries to Blow up Roach Infestation, Accidentally...
- After dumping gasoline into an underground cockroach...
Big Girl Takes a Tumble After Sitting on a Sink Counter
- Well, that went pretty much exactly how I expected it...
Horrible 'Karen' Demands Free Food For Absolutely No...
- WTF was you thinking,
SWAT Team Foiled By Ridiculously Strong Door
- I bet if you looked really carefully, you'd see that...
Snake Bites the Rapper 'Lil Pump' Who's Holding it For...
- The Florida rapper looked like a tasty snack for the...
BART Employee Heroically Saves Man Who Fell in Front...
- On Sunday, November 3, 2019, a transportation...
Cart Comes Dangerously Careening Down an Escalator at...
- WTF? is right. The scariest thing at Universal...
Times Where Expectations Were Destroyed by Reality
- Reality is often disappointing.
People Who Had A Worse Day Than You
- When will they realize the world is out to get them.
Dude Cutting Down a Tree Gets Racked Big Time by an...
- Looks like he might be a bit more cautious next time...
Instances of Cosplay So Bad Our Eyes Our Bleeding (22...
- This is not "costume play" this is "costume crime"!
Buyer Can't Wrap His Head Around the Fact Computer...
- Way to pick a fight, bro.
Dude Falls Flat on His Face After Attempting a Push-up...
- Challenge failed.
Rogue "Ghost" Table Takes a Factory Worker Out
- Screw you in particular, random worker man. Must feel...
25 Construction Fails That Are Hard to Look At
- Better leave it to the professionals next time.
High School Football Player Taking Interception to the...
- You better believe the coaches had some choice words...
Towing Company Rescues an Idiot Who Brought a Rented...
- You took your Hyundai WHERE?!! It turns out the Rental...
Lady Made The Mistake of Wearing Fake Lashes on a Boat
- Whew lord! She's about to take flight with her...
30 People Who Utterly Failed the One Job They Had
- With the emphasis on "had".
Vandal Gets a Karmic Brick to the Face After...
- The owner of a van didn't even realize this happened...
Paratrooper Blows His Big Moment in Front of the King...
- The king of Spain himself was on hand to witness this...
Dorothy Actress Watches as Her Toto Helplessly Falls...
- Poor little guy.
Dashcam Footage Reveals Exact Moment Car Thief Knows...
- The look on his face is absolutely priceless. Here's...
Twenty-Five People Having a Really Bad Day
- If you ever needed to feel better about your s***ty...
Dak Prescott's Hail Mary Fail Memes Are the Perfect...
- Sunday Night Football's tight matchup between the...
Woman Calls a Little White Girl an "Oppressor" Because...
- Don't touch my swarthy, gender fluid child ever again!
Idiot Showing Off Strength Picks Up More Than He Can...
- Remember kids: it's a lot less shameful to know your...
Men Who Fail At Female Anatomy (24 Pics)
- These guys just don't understand women at all.
Aussie Doesn't Realize Snowbank Has Turned To Solid...
- I can't get over the sounds he makes after the wind is...
22 Drivers Who Made Seriously Bad Decisions
- These guys have some 'splaining to do and insurance...
eBaum's Picks