Senior Citizens Angrily Protest the Alcohol Ban at...
- Let them drink!
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18 Facepalm Worthy Moments Someone Did Something...
- Caught in the act of dumbness.
Man’s Drunk Stumbling Perfectly Syncs With Freeform...
- This might actually get you into jazz!
Drunk Dude Falls For What Feels Like Forever
- C’mon, dude — just do it or don’t!
32 Examples of ‘I'm Never Drinking Again'
- Sometimes we drink to lighten up and forget our daily...
34 Josh Memes Because It's Josh O'Clock Somewhere
- If you're drinking, you better be drinking Josh.
33 Wacked Out NFL Fans that Go All Out for Their Team
- How do you spend your Sundays?
'Will it Protein Shake?': Guy Tries Everclear With...
- "To anyone who hasn’t drank everclear, this is more...
Australian Crowd Peer Pressures Harry Styles Into...
- Holy shit, Harry Styles is just like the rest of us...
Texans Reacting to New Drinking and Driving Laws in...
- Texas didn't have an open container law until...
‘I Bought Six Bud Light and Six Busch Light, Tall...
- Canada has changed its recommended guidelines on...
Bills’ Fan Finds Mafia Member Trapped in His Truck...
- Bills Mafia is just built different.
20 Dumbest Things People Have Ever Done While...
- Most of the time people say that drinking, smoking, or...
The Most Wasted Moments of This Year's Santacon
- It’s the most wonderful time of the year — for...
The Best of 'Chaotic Drunk Videos' to Cure Your...
- The internet is a tornado of insane videos, with a...
British Lads on the Hunt For Beer End Up in the...
- It's no secret that beer has been scarce at the World...
23 Nightclub Photos Laced with Chaos
- It's been a minute since we've taken a trip to the...
23 Pics and Memes Chock Full of WTF
- Wait... what?
British Lads Drink Pints For Charity and Turn Their...
- Movember fundraisers are up and running. Lest we...
Farmer Finds Geese Blackout Wasted on Fermented...
- A farmer woke up one morning to find his flock of...
Beer Facts for Casual Drinkers and Alcoholics Alike
- Cool sh*t we never knew about the world's favorite...
20 WTF Nightclub Pics That Are Pure Chaos
- We've collected another batch of insanely ridiculous...
25 Weirdest Food Opinions According To People
- These people give their opinions on food
21 Fails For People Who Had It Coming
- Things did not go to plan
Small Brewery Humiliates Douchebags Who Think Stealing...
- A small brewery decided to get back at four douchebags...
Matt Stafford Day-Drinks His Way into the History Books
- Los Angeles Rams' quarterback Matt Stafford had...
Samaritan Finds Driver Stuck In A Ditch, Decides To...
- Aye, you can't park here mate!
25 Alcohol Facts That Might Make You Quit Drinking
- Alcohol helps the world go ‘round. It serves as an...
Drunk Son Accidentally Ruins Dad's Surprise Birthday...
- This guy was just trying to talk some trash to his dad...
15 Drinking Games College Taught Us to Play like a...
- We've collected 15 of the most iconic drinking games...
Max Scherzer Was Good and Drunk after Win over...
- After winning the NL Wild Card game 3-1 against the...
Drunk Dude Jumps into Ostrich Enclosure, Gets Leveled
- Maybe it's best not to jump into an ostrich enclosure...
Nicolas Cage Kicked Out of Vegas Bar For Being Drunk...
- In his defense, it seems like a very Nicolas Cage kind...
Arrest Footage of Drunkest Guy Ever is a WTF Gift that...
- Amazingly intoxicated 21-year old, Noah, was arrested...
Wisconsin Badgers’ Pregame Tradition Is Back and We...
- This one tops them all. The student section at...
32 NFL Teams Ranked from Least to Most Drunk
- It's pretty simple. We scoured through the NFL player...
DUI Driver Wants to Skip the Games and Go to Jail...
- This man, Lenny Leroy Gums from La Crosse, WI, was...
Highest Man in the World Smashes Cop Car, Destroys...
- 19 year old Jacob Swalbach was driving under a hell of...
Redneck Rave Ends With Slit Throat, Impaled Man,...
- The Redneck Rave 2021, hosted at the Blue Holler...
Watch This Robber Knock Himself Out Trying to Break...
- When they say, "knock yourself out" you're not...
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