Kid Loses Fight to a Sign
- You almost had him!
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29 Examples of Movie Mistakes that Slipped by the...
- A collection of things that eagle-eyed fans noticed in...
17 Editing Fails and Movie Mistakes that Snuck Past...
- Only those who knew what they were looking for would...
43 Times People Got Unfairly Singled Out by the...
- Check out this batch of people who are having a really...
Man on Power Scooter Accidentally Takes Out a Whole...
- Hey, that’s dozens of dollars of damage right there!
'Dinner in the Sky' Has Rich People Eating In...
- “Dinner in the Sky” has become a popular trend in...
Inked With Regret: 23 Tattoo Fails Filled to the Brim...
- 'My body is my canvas.' That's all well and good, but...
32 Times When People Failed Spectacular (and...
- These hurt right in the wallet.
Asleep in the Editing Booth: 21 Film Fails and TV...
- From iconic blockbusters to small projects, these 21...
House Boat Crashes Right Into Bridge
- Damn, your house *and* your boat destroyed in one go!
Dude Roasts Man Trying to Steal His Package
- This guy saw a porch pirate trying to steal a box on...
Not Quite Useful: 25 Bizarre Infographics That Are...
- Graphs: Not even once.
Hot Air Balloon Hits Car, Almost Carries It Away
- I don’t think that’s covered by insurance.
Female Employee Says Her Company Shirt Told Customers...
- To hear her tell it, the job was alright — except...
'It's All Gone and We Don't Have Insurance': Florida...
- FAFO: Florida edition.
'Florida Man' Appears to Kayak Through Flooded Home...
- BREAKING: Florida Man spotted in Florida
Promoted to Customer: 30 of the Fastest Ways People...
- They never stood a chance.
Woman Get Blasted by a Hose After Trying to Storm Field
- Running on the field during a game is always a gamble.
Man Calmly Films Himself Getting Impaled in the Foot
- That’s one you can’t walk off!
'Just My Luck' - 18 People Having a Terrible First Day...
- People who found themselves in some really awkward...
Dude Gets Into Fight with SWAT Team Robot
- A Texas SWAT team got into a bizarre altercation with...
This Might Be The Worst ‘Wheel of Fortune’ Round...
- Everything that could go wrong, did.
22 IT Workers Share the Dumbest Problems They Ever Had...
- Never a dull day at the IT Desk.
Apply Palm Directly to Forehead: 23 Fails Stinking Up...
- Although we don't often think of them this way,...
22 People Having Their Patience Pushed to the Limits...
- Life always kicks ya when you're down. And if you've...
Tree Climber Becomes Faller After Limb Suddenly Breaks
- Watch out below!
27 People Share Times They Messed Around and Found Out
- Sometimes the FA is not worth the FO.
Dude Very Carefully Sets Up Porch Umbrella, Then...
- We’re really asking for it by making tables out of...
28 Financial Flops and Money Mistakes People Regret...
- The worst financial calls you can make.
Permanently Banned: 17 Entitled and Destructive...
- Tourists have earned their entitled reputation.
Literally the Worst: 24 Women Share the Things Men Do...
- It's an open secret that men often get on women's...
100% Accurate - 25 Funny & Relatable Memes About...
- The kids like to have fun.
20 Reddit Magicians Share Times They Were Laughed Out...
- Now you see their talent, now you don't.
You've Got to Be Kidding? - 20 of the Weirdest Zillow...
- Just a stone's throw away from crazy.
Woman Trying to Take Cute Railroad Pics Gets Hit By...
- It’s a classic move: standing by the train to wait...
24 Mechanics Share the Dumbest Reasons People Have...
- Driving: It's not for everyone.
Personal Trainer at Gym Pushes Fart Out of Woman’s...
- Stretching releases more than just tension.
Awful Execution: 22 People Who Slept Through Design...
- Design is a crucial element in any product,...
25 Firefighters Share the Dumbest Way They’ve Ever...
- Stop. Drop. Roll. Don't be stupid.
23 Times the Universe Showed Someone 'Today Is Not My...
- When things get out of hand fast.
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