Game of Thrones Tweet 'This Shot is Brilliant' Turns...
- A Game of Thrones tweet about the final episode has...
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Bass Boat Tosses Drivers Without a Killswitch
- A video taken from a boat in Toledo Bend in 2018 shows...
Student's Graduation Celebration Left the Crowd Gasping
- His parents must be so proud.
Concerned Mom Makes a Frog Situation Even Worse
- Why did you poke him?
Russian Special Forces, Everyone
- They're a gaff and a half.
Angry 'Game of Thrones' Fans Made a Petition to Remake...
- A Change.org petition titled "Remake Game of Thrones...
53 Times the Sh** Hit the Fan
- They should probably just go back to bed.
16 Misleading Pics That'll Make You Question Instagram
- Things aren't always as they appear on Instagram.
Game of Thrones - Dany Kind of Forgot About The Iron...
- On the "Inside the Episode" commentary after Game of...
Woman Calls Joe Rogan Fat After Show, Gets Abs-olutely...
- Probably the wrong dude to call fat. We all know Joe...
Girl Tries to Prank Her Cat, Cat Gets Pissed and Beats...
- Why would you prank a cat? Why? It is, I repeat, never...
ProJared Cheating Scandal Memes and Reactions
- Earlier this week it was revealed that gaming YouTuber...
Car Goes So Fast It Flies Off Track
- I think cars are supposed to be on the ground no?...
YouTuber ProJared is Getting Roasted for Cheating on...
- Gaming YouTuber ProJared whos real name is Jared...
Great-Grandmother with CBD Oil Arrested at Disney World
- Hester Burkhalter, a 69-year-old great-grandmother...
33 Times Someone Went to the Barber and Said 'F*ck My...
- Who is at fault here? The hairdresser or the person...
27 of the Worst Tattoos You'll See Today
- Cheap tattoos are just as permanent and so will the...
Pacman Jones, Bad at Football and Bad at Cheating Gets...
- Former NFL player Pacman Jones got flagged for...
Girl Rope Swings Toward Water Hits A Boat Instead
- I think you want to go into the water not a wooden...
24 Things People Should Have Kept to Themselves...
- There's a little thing known as oversharing. And of...
32 Times Things Went Pear Shaped
- When things don't always go your way. Thank God...
Woman Trying to Take Pics of Goose Gets Attacked
- Geese are not to be messed with. They are the alphas...
38 Pics and Memes To Remind You Of Your Bad Haircuts
- Everyone gets a bad haircut. Some people give you that...
45 Epic Design Fails
- These are so bad it's hard to believe they actually...
Dude's Work Day Goes From Bad to Worse
- What's this train doing?
Woman Can't Flush It Down, Asks For Help
- Usually when someone calls you into the bathroom while...
The Worst Pull-Up in Internet History
- She went for a pull-up but all she did was fall down.
32 of the Worst Haircuts on the Planet
- They need to get that shaved right off. Just by a...
30 Ugly & Unusual Homes Get Roasted
- Belgium has become notorious for its quirky...
36 Times People Made a Huge Mistake
- When things just decide to hit the fan. And not a good...
Guy For Some Reason Burns His Whole Garden
- "Hey let's burn this thing" turns into, "well looks...
Woman Nearly Takes an Axe to the Head Playing This Game
- This woman had a close call while playing a game at an...
29 Social Media Posts That Ruined People's Lives
- Think twice before you hit the submit button.
29 Pics Posts That Are So Full of Cringe You'll Puke
- These will make you cringe so hard it will hurt. It...
Dude Asking Girl to Prom Shows Up to the Wrong House
- She was still gonna say yes.
30 Most Extreme Cases Of Hoverhands Ever
- Hot girls bring out the inner-nerd within. For...
29 Times Infamous Ken M Rustled Some Jimmies
- He leaves the most hilarious comments just to troll...
13 Trolls From a Photoshop Master
- When you ask James Fridman for help you're going to...
29 Times Super Stealth Mode Totally Worked
- or at least a nice try. Trying 100. Skyrim is...
28 Restaurant Names Too Clever For Their Own Good
- These are names that would be sure to grab your...
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