19 of This Week's Funniest Tweets for Your Weekend
- The week is over. Unwind, get away from your work...
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People Keep Spitting Pre-Workout Into Each Other’s...
- For the uninitiated, “pre-workout” is generally a...
22 Savage Insults That Left a Mark
- If you can't take the heat then stay out of the...
Saturday Morning Randomness: 46 Fun Fascinating Photos...
- Start your day with a laugh.
The Best Moments From This Year’s Air Guitar...
- Congrats to Mr. Knowles — now, can someone please...
36 Hilarious Screenshots That Could Only Come From...
- TikTok is going to ruin the minds of an entire...
Cruise Passenger Won’t Get Out of Her Pool Floatie...
- Nothing is going to ruin this woman’s vacation!
24 Folks Who Flew Too Close to the Sun
- A good idea is a good idea until it backfires.
22 Foods That Are Covered in a Questionable Glaze
- I'd like to be able to enjoy my glazed donut in peace.
32 People Who Failed in the Most Expensive of Ways
- These hurt right in the wallet.
Bro Gets Called Out for Horny Posting in Front of His...
- Have you ever seen a post online and thought, “Who...
Cops Show Off All the Whippits They’ve Confiscated...
- No, you can’t have the Nitrus today.
Atlanta Had a Drone Show in the Shape of Steve Harvey
- Last week, a picture began going viral on X that...
The 33 Funniest Tweets from Friday August 30
- For free: Funny tweets, always silly.
25 Companies and Products if They Had Honest Brand...
- What if brands were more honest with their...
25 Oasis Fans Who Look Like Star Trek Characters
- After a long public feud, Liam and Noel Gallagher are...
Friday Morning Randomness: 41 Choice Pics and Memes...
- Start your day with a laugh.
29 Infuriating Times When People Got Ripped Off and...
- People who bought sight unseen and had buyer's remorse.
21 Entitled Bosses That Got a Taste of Their Own...
- Employees getting sweet revenge on their bad bosses.
Watch These Germans Race to Get the Best Spot in the...
- Here’s what that process looks like in practice:
Man Poops Off a Cliff at the World’s Most Dangerous...
- If you’re looking for a bit of danger, but also...
23 Fails and Facepalms Polluting Our Feeds
- This is the best of the worst coming through your...
This Chiropractor Could Probably Kill You
- If you’re going to the chiropractor, chances are...
The 34 Funniest Tweets from Thursday, August 29, 2024
- If you can't woo your crush with rare hip-hop...
Fisherman Fights With Shark Over Tuna
- There are many jobs that do not garner jealousy....
28 Perfectly Placed Pics that are Soothing to Look At
- A little bit of the right angle or perspective,...
Dude Gets Swerved on Live TV While Trying to Bring...
- A villain was born yesterday at the U.S. Open.
Community Holds Meeting to Get Angry About a New...
- Parents often complain that kids don’t play outside...
35 Hilarious and Rage-Inducing DoorDash Horror Stories...
- Food, the thing we all need to survive, is entrusted...
22 Memes and Reactions to Lana Del Rey’s Rumored...
- It's him? It's him? It's all for him?
Thursday Morning Randomness: 44 Fresh Pics and Memes...
- Start your day with a laugh.
24 Thursday Work Memes to Roll Right Into Friday
- Many workplaces love to peddle the narrative that...
Monkey Hijacks Pig, Goes for a Ride
- Monkeys are a lot like us.
Woman Tries to Smash Spider, Makes Things Way, Way...
- There are a few ways to react to a spider being in...
20 Clever Schemers Who Flew Too Close to the Sun
- Everyone is always searching for a way to game the...
Tree Falls Just in Time for Cyclist to Hit It
- What a coincidence!
Group of People With Tourette’s Accidentally Set...
- Tourette's syndrome is an interesting condition.
The 26 Funniest Memes From This Week to Add to Your...
- Check out a meme about flip-phone texting, and much...
Child Gets Brought on the News to Explain His...
- Have you ever tried to watch Gen Alpha content, then...
Netflix’s New Show Has a Bunch of Kids Flying Away...
- Okay, they’ve really run out of ideas.
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