Donald Trump Proves Once and for All He Has the...
- Truly inspiring stuff.
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26 Relevant Memes to Read Instead of the News
- Get your meme tank filled up in under a minute.
25 Decent Memes Worth a Chuckle
- Enjoy these while they're still fresh.
Johnny Depp's Drug Habit Gets Aired Out in Most...
- Dude can't catch a break, but he sure could catch a...
Presidential Candidate Kanye West Ditches Trump and...
- Hopefully the historians will just skip over this part...
22 Brand New Memes with a Real Sense of Humor
- You'd be laughing if you clicked this link already.
Libs and Republicans Teamed up to Dunk on Harvard for...
- The one thing everyone can agree on: Harvard is a scam.
19 Reactions to Kanye's Presidential Run That Show How...
- Kanye can't even take himself seriously so no one else...
How to Get Fired in 17 Seconds by Making a Noose at...
- This was bad, but baking the dough and eating it would...
27 Distinctly American Pics and Memes Just in Time for...
- Nothing's more American than apple pie and memes.
Woman Pulls Gun on Mother and Daughter for Messing...
- Tensions escalated after a woman accidentally bumped...
Harvard Grad Ruined Her Life with Violent Joke about...
- Going viral is one hell of a double-edged sword.
Ghislaine Maxwell, Who Groomed Teen Girls for Jeffrey...
- She hadn't been seen since the summer of 2019 at an...
Police Make Short Work of Dismantling the "CHOP" Zone...
- Local law enforcement moved in to clean up the Capitol...
People Are Dying Laughing at Dead Bodies Washing up in...
- These people played themselves.
21 Beavis and Butt-Head Lookalikes to Celebrate Them...
- How many times can this cartoon get rebooted?
Polish Grandpa Can't Stop Drinking the Hand Sanitizer
- Polish alcohol must be pretty bad if this dude's...
Man Gets Pepperoni Swastika On 'Hot and Ready' From...
- In the town of Brooks Park, Ohio, Jason Laska received...
Auntie Karen Goes off the Rails Ranting about Mask...
- She definitely vapes her Starbucks through her butt.
"Barstool Sports" Founder Gets Defensive about Saying...
- Enjoy this supercut of Dave Portnoy being offensive...
News Reporter Warming Up Before Going Live on Air
- She gets ready for her live segment by reciting the...
Kid Getting KO'd by COVID-19 Piñata Shows What Second...
- The second wave isn't coming, it's already here.
Karens Made a Fake Gov't Agency to Threaten Anyone...
- They're super cereal...seriously.
Florida Women Don't Need Masks or Underwear as Long as...
- "Ma'am, this is an Arby's. Either order something or...
Dude Spray Painting "Wighte Lives Matter" on His Fence...
- A new movement is gaining traction one genius at a...
Snapchat Added Then Quickly Removed This Juneteenth...
- Making slavery jokes is never a good look.
Taco Bell Has PR Nightmare after Firing Employee for...
- If #RIPTacoBell is trending does that mean they're...
The Liberal Savior Complex around Barron Trump Is out...
- Some of these folks need to stick their head in the...
18 Funny Reactions to Aunt Jemima Getting Cancelled...
- Nancy Pelosi's gonna have to pry my Aunt Jemima bottle...
15 Funniest Reactions to the New "Pokémon Snap" for...
- U.S. Gov't: "We need something to distract people from...
Cop Puts on Oscar–Worthy Performance in McDonald's...
- She felt personally attacked because the McDonald's...
Pastor Calls Slavery a "Blessing" for White People
- For anyone feeling triggered by the phrase "white...
An Honest Commercial for Any Brand Capitalizing on...
- We're close to seeing Ronald McDonald bring out...
The Fear in Karen's Eyes When She's Caught Coughing on...
- Her look at the end is one of someone who's about to...
Tucker Carlson Loses Advertisers and Hashtag War at...
- Sometimes things just blow up in your face.
Comedian Imagines What Some Police Training Must Be...
- This one sketch is better than anything "SNL" put out...
PS5 Is Coming in November along with Some Insane New...
- The games look great and the fans are feeling horny.
Comedian's Anti-NASCAR Rant Captures Hypocrisy of...
- The "emotional support beer" at the end is what makes...
Former Cop Breaks down the Real Problems with Policing...
- This account has yet to be verified but the details...
13 Tweets That Capture the Response to NASCAR's Ban on...
- Is NASCAR becoming woke? Hardly, but at least they did...
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