Buffalo Manhandles Lion, Flips It Straight Into the Air
- These guys aren’t messing around!
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37 Cursed Randoms to Iron Out Your Brain
- The world is a messed up place.
‘Gravy Wrestling’ Is Smelly, Messy and Pretty Fun
- Ever wondered what would happen if you combined a...
Man Can Perfectly Throw Knives With His Ponytail
- Finally, a use for the man bun!
‘A.I.-Powered Car’ Loses Its Mind, Goes on a...
- Self-driving cars don’t work — but that hasn’t...
Here’s What the Hindenburg Disaster Looked Like in...
- Behold: the reason we all now fly on boring ol’...
35 Cursed Pics We Found Online
- We’re once again diving deep into the darkest...
Cruise Ship Stuck at Sea Gets Hit With a Plague of...
- That can’t be a good sign, right?
Couple Caught Bangin’ in the Bathroom While DJ Plays...
- Baby just say yes!
20 Trashy People Seen On the Casino Floor
- There are few places more trashy than casinos.
Watch A Bunch of Football Fans Compete to See Who Can...
- What a beautiful country this is!
Florida Dudes Get Arrested for Wakeboarding the Flood...
- To me, this is just making the best of a bad situation.
20 People Share Horror Stories from the Worst...
- A good therapist can be life saving, but a bad one can...
Florida Is Now Having a 'Tornado Outbreak'
- Is that good?
20 Insane Headlines That Are Sadly Real
- Unfortunately, these come from real articles about our...
44 Terrifying Out-of-Context Pictures of Discarded...
- They’re a little odd to look at in the store, when...
20 People Share the Worst Thing That’s Ever Happened...
- If you work anywhere for long enough, one day...
Oil Tanker Swerves, Tips and Explodes
- This is why it’s important to get a good night’s...
10 Times Airlines Proved to Be Evil Monsters
- 10 times airlines were the absolute worst
31 People Refusing to Take the Hurricanes Seriously
- No it's not man made, yes it's coming, and no you...
20 Behind-the-Scene Shots From The Beatles' Murderous...
- By 1965, The Beatles were fed up with their friendly,...
The Weather Channel Loves Showing How Scary the...
- In case you haven’t heard, Florida is about to be...
Everyone Is Trying to Leave Florida Right Now, and...
- As we keep trying to tell you, if you’re in southern...
20 'Victims' Who Lived Long Enough to Become the...
- I think it's safe to say they were actually villains...
42 Cursed Randoms That Are Like Bleach for Your Eyes
- Here’s a collection of content that will make your...
36 Mushrooms from the Depths of Hell
- Here are some mushrooms that genuinely look like they...
Weathermen and Mayors Are Warning That Everyone in...
- Floridians, for once, we’re not going to make fun of...
21 Photos and Stories Proving That Work Sucks
- Between the bad bosses, the bad pay, and the bad...
20 People Share the Saddest Place They’ve Ever Been
- Not every place can be Times Square or the Vegas...
Facebook’s New Glasses Can Instantly Doxx People the...
- Facebook — or, uh, “Meta” — recently released...
They’re Making Mosquitos That Can’t Suck Your Blood
- We’re inches closer to solving this problem for good!
40 Dr. Seuss Artworks That Reveal His Dark Side
- If you’ve ever wondered what would happen if the...
This Seagull Keeps Stealing from a Corner Store
- How do you trespass a seagull?
India’s Snake Festival Has Dudes Carrying Around...
- I’ll take “Places I’d Never Go Even If You Paid...
‘The Most Beautiful Women You Know Eat Like...
- TikTok is full of some of the worst beverage...
‘Protein Diet Coke’ Is the Newest Way to Get Swole
- Have you ever wanted your protein shake to have...
Travis Scott’s Concerts Look Miserable
- Have you ever wanted to be covered in the sweat of a...
There Are Way Too Many Alligators in This Georgia Swamp
- If I see this, I’m turning around.
Teacher Puts Students Into Bull Pen to Prove a Point
- There’s a common misconception about bulls: that...
Basketball Teams Keep Finding Taller People, Like This...
- Pretty soon, they’re just going to be eye-level with...
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