
Black Joke Montage

Q: Two black guys decide to jump off a building; who lands first?
A: Who cares?

Q: A black guy and his black girlfriend are in a car. Who's driving?
A: The cop!

Q: Why are black peoples nostrils so big?
A: Because that's what God held them by when he was painting them.

Q: What do you get if you search for babboon in dictionary?
A: You get a picture of Robert Mugabe.

Q: What is black, purple,and yellow?
A: A black person goin to church.

Q: How do they make roads in South Africa?
A: They make the black people lay down and have every other one smile.

Q: What do you call a black guy who goes to college?
A: A Basketball player.

Q: How can you tell a black person is lying?
A: His lips are moving.

Q: Why are there more black folk then Indians?
A: Because we haven't played Cowboys and Black folk yet!

Q: How do you break up the "Million Man March"?
A: Fly overhead with helicopters and drop job applications.

Q: Why did the black man wear a tuxedo to his vasectomy?
A: He said: "If I'ze gonna be im-po-tent, I wanna looks im-po-tant."

Q: What do they do with blacks after they die?
A: Gut them and use them as wetsuits.

Q: What does it mean when you see a bunch of blacks running in one direction?
A: Jail break

Q: What do you call 4 black guys in a car?
A: Tinted windows.

Q: Why are black ladies pocket books so big?
A: They have to put their lipstick some where.

Q: What do u call 1,000 black people on a plane back to Africa?
A: A good start.

Q: Why are all black people fast?
A: Because the slow ones are in jail.

Q: What's long and hard on a blackman?
A: The first grade.

Q: What do you call a bunch of blacks falling down a hill?
A: A mudslide .

Q: What did the black kid get for christmas?
A: Your T.V

Q: What do you call vietnamese guy that wants to be black?
A: Vinegar!

Q: What does NAACP stand for?
A: National Association of Apes Called People

Q: What do you call a black guy with a fan?
A: Antique air conditioner

Q: What travels at 200km's a hour?
A: A black man hearing a dollar drop to the ground.

Q: What does a black person have in common with a soda machine?
A: They both don't work and always take your money.

Q: What u call 10 black people in the back of a truck?
A: A good days hunting.

Q: What do you call one black on the moon?
A: Problem

Q: What do you call ten blacks on the moon?
A: Problems

Q: What do you call the entire black population on the moon?
A: Problem solved

Q: Why dont black women wear panties to picknics?
A: To keep the flies off the chicken.

Q: What's faster then a black guy running down the street with your TV?
A: His brother behind him with the VCR

Q: Why wasnt there any blacks in the flintstones?
A: Because they were still monkeys.
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