the alphabet
a boy asks his teahcer if he can go to the toilet in lessons, the teacher replies with "when you learn the alphabet you can go to the toilet in lessons" so the boy goes home and asks his dad "piss off" so the boy goes to his older sister and asks the same question the sister replies "yeah yeah whatever" he then goes to his older brothers room the brother is watching t.v. and shouts out "BIN LADEN!" so the boy then goes to his little brother to which his little brother replies "in ma broom broom car". The next day the boy went to school and the teacher asks can you tell me the alphabet? so the boy says "piss off" the teacher then says"do you want to go to the headteacher young man?" to which the boy replied "yeah yeah" in the headteachers room he is asked "who do you think you are young fellow" the boy replies "BIN LADEN!!" the headteacher losing his temper says "HOW ARE YOU PLANNING TO GET AWAY WITH THIS YOUNG MAN?!?" to which the boy says "in ma broom broom car"