Top Ten Acronyms Least Used In Personal Ads
10. JRLA -- Janet Reno Look-Alike
9. CWP -- Cigar-Wielding President
8. MSG S/G W/B M/F KOPWPFYB -- Moon walking Single-Gloved Straight/Gay White/Black Male/Female King Of Pop With Predilection For Young Boys
7. RHMI -- Really Hip Macarena Instructor
6. HAWGSOH -- Heroin Addict with Great Sense of Humor
5. STLSM -- Show Tune-Loving Straight Male
4. SWFWHBTP -- Single White Female Who Has Blown the President
3. EHWC -- Extremely Hairy White Chick
2. WARSADAP -- Works At Radio Shack and Drives A Pinto and the Number One
1. WSUBFC -- Will Screw Ugly Bastards for Cash
9. CWP -- Cigar-Wielding President
8. MSG S/G W/B M/F KOPWPFYB -- Moon walking Single-Gloved Straight/Gay White/Black Male/Female King Of Pop With Predilection For Young Boys
7. RHMI -- Really Hip Macarena Instructor
6. HAWGSOH -- Heroin Addict with Great Sense of Humor
5. STLSM -- Show Tune-Loving Straight Male
4. SWFWHBTP -- Single White Female Who Has Blown the President
3. EHWC -- Extremely Hairy White Chick
2. WARSADAP -- Works At Radio Shack and Drives A Pinto and the Number One
1. WSUBFC -- Will Screw Ugly Bastards for Cash