
you see that girl over there

You see that girl over there. She has a stick of butter where her heart should be. You go over to her and whisper something in her ear about how pretty she is and that butter heart of hers will melt and she will let you fry your bacon and eggs in it. You stay away from her

You see that girl over there. Her stomach has a furry happy trail leading from her belly button to her vulva. That's why she never shows her midriff. You stay away from her.

You see that girl over there. She got her stomach stapled. Now she throws up if she eats more than a ritz. The one next to her is bulimic, they get along quite well. You stay away from her.

You see that girl over there. She messed me up good. I ran with her for a month or two and then one night everything went red. I came to deep in the desert with an ATV tire pressing on my leg. You stay away from her.

You see that girl over there. I ran a million dollar marathon to her door. When I got there she was baking cookies with some
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