Watch a Man Fire a Homemade Rocket Launcher This is why you don’t use a closed tube for your rocket launcher.
25 Freaky Examples of BDSM Taxidermy The internet can show you amazing things that change you're life for the better. This is not one of those things.
Climate Activists Glue Their Hands to a Road, But Police Just Rip Them Off Well that didn’t go as planned.
Woman Loses It on Man Trying to Reverse in Her Driveway Common human decency ain’t as common as you’d think.
Man Says He’s Manipulating Reality to Win on Scratch-Off Lottery Tickets And according to him, it’s working!
23 Photos of What the World Looked Like In 1963 1963 will be remembered for the start of Beatlemania, but those who lived it experienced much more.
Meet the ‘Pie Girl,’ the Woman Who Hits Chained Up Men With Pies These aren’t the creampie videos you were looking for…
20 1970's Food Advertisements That Do Not Look Appetizing Today Does a Miracle Whip Yule log sound appetizing to you?
Man Films His Own Arrest, Including Himself Getting Tased It’s always nice when the criminal collects his own evidence.
25 Photos of What Cracking Open a Cold One Looked Like in the 1970s Nothing measures up to cracking open a cold one and having a good time with the lads and ladies.
The Girandola May Be the Coolest Firework Ever There are some places that just do fireworks better than us.
Man Expertly Mocks Woman Who Stole His Bike She not only lost the bike, but she lost her dignity as well.
20 Photos of Led Zeppelin Absolutely Rocking the 1970s From "Stairway to Heaven" to "Kashmir," few musical groups left a bigger impact on their genre than Led Zeppelin.