15 Archeological Digs That Improved Our Knowledge of...
- Archaeologists are literally digging up forgotten...
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The 20 Dumbest Posts Found on Our Timeline
- Some websites don't need a comment section.
20 Tire Smoking Pics of 1990s Car Culture
- If American muscle owned the 1970s, Japanese JDM owned...
10 ‘Based On A True Story’ Movies That Get The...
- Just because a movie is based on a true story does not...
The 40 Funniest Tweets from the Last 24 Hours
- Let Twitter distract you from your ADHD.
11 Products Doomsday Preppers Waste Their Money On
- Many doomsdayers and apocalypse prophesiers back...
13 Spectacularly Bad Opinions
- Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but not every...
14 Perspective Shifting Photos From History Worthy of...
- Each photo in this collection tells a story that might...
20 Nostalgic Photos From The Leisure Suit Decade, The...
- The "Leisure Suit Decade" featured some seriously...
40 Morning Randoms to Defeat Your Friday
- That man was eaten and will not see the weekend.
Is Zyn Killing Young Men’s Boners?
- Chad switched from Juuling to Zyn, thinking he was...
The Funniest Tweets and Memes Reacting to the JFK Files
- The JFK files have finally confirmed that JFK is...
Man Caught Smearing Cheek Grease on Tesla
- Diggin’ deep to send a message.
Dude Working On Car Accidentally Sets His Whole Garage...
- On the bright side, I guess the work on the car is...
Police Interrogating Man During Roadside Stop...
- Cops really don’t like it when you blow up a bomb in...
Russian Airport Worker Caught De-Icing Plane with a...
- That’s one way to do it.
This Sport Has People Being Pulled on Skis Behind...
- And it’s incredibly entertaining to watch.
Meet the Fastest Man on Four Legs
- Here I am still running on two legs like an idiot.
The New Grift? Selling Your Place in Line at the DMV
- We’re running out of side hustles, huh?
Homeowners Catch Mouse Using Their Glue Trap Like a...
- Watch him ride away to freedom!
Police Discover Man Who’s Been Held Captive in House...
- In new bodycam footage, cops show the shocking moment...
Dude Films Himself Getting Slowly Stalked by a Pack of...
- A trip to Thailand isn’t always all it’s cracked...
They’ve Got Robots Doing Side Flips Now
- Just in case we ever need a robot to be John Wick.
Musician Makes the Most Pathetic Stage Dive Attempt of...
- This is the kind of stuff that puts people into...
Cop Accidentally Runs Over Another Cop With Their Car
- A classic “oops.”
Entire Crowd Cheers on Woman Getting Into a Screaming...
- Yeah! Get ‘em!
Deion Sanders’ Backyard Is Next Level
- And apparently, it’s only gotten bigger.
33 Cool Picks To Lift Your Dulldrums
- Funny images pictures gallery pics
The 15 Oldest Rocks and Trees on Planet Earth
- The Great-Great-Great Grandparents of nature.
The 20 Dumbest Posts Found on Our Feed
- Some people less brain cells than JFK had that one...
20 Common Things from 10 Years Ago That Have Silently...
- Blink and you'll miss it, but 10 years ago means 2015....
The 40 Funniest Tweets from the Last 24 Hours
- Kramer killed JFK.
44 Occult Memes to Open Your Third Eye
- Look, none of us are happy to be trapped in the...
20 Mesmerizing Opals and Opalized Objects
- Some rocks in their psychedelic period.
Disabled Music Producer Uses His Tongue and Lips to...
- Ladies, this is your man!
20 Bosses So Bad They Should Go To Jail
- They might tell us what to do on a daily basis, but...
Watch the Terrifying Insanity of an Invisible Methanol...
- It may look like nothing’s happening, but that’s...
Old Dudes Get Into an Epic Slapfight at the Store
- Knock that off; you’re adults!
Child Takes Mom’s Minivan for a Joyride Through...
- Preparing her for many more years of crashing her...
eBaum's Picks