Moaners and Groaner: 23 of the Best Dad Jokes You'll...
- How can you tell if a joke is a dad joke? It should be...
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21 Times Kids Got On Their Parent’s Last Nerves
- Fresh, microwaved Nintendo 3DS, anyone?
25 Funny Parenting Tweets for Those of Us With Kids
- Everybody wonders why their parents were so angry all...
20 Inspirational Examples of Hard Work and Persistence...
- Good for them.
'Wish I Was An Only Child' - 20 Pics Showing the...
- They were the best of times, they were the blurst of...
22 Relatable Memes That Capture the Chaotic Nature of...
- Enter the Big Daddy zone.
23 Most Unhinged Homeschool Posts
- The "Radical Unschooling" community believes that...
Better Safe Than Sorry: 30 People Who Were Glad They...
- When overthinking is a good thing
The Hillarious Differences Between Moms and Dads...
- Let's face it, moms and dads have TOTALLY different...
30 Terrible Names Parents Gave Their Children
- What were they thinking?
20 Insane Celebrity Baby Names That Didn't Age Well
- Why do celebrities curse to their children with...
23 Relatable Memes For Anyone Who's Dealt With Kids
- They say the hardest job in the word is being a mom....
29 of The Absolute Worst Life Hacks People Shared
- Never do this stuff.
21 Wild Kids Who Give Other Kids a Bad Name
- Kids do the darnedest things.
Determined Dad Plants Trees to Get Back at His...
- Don't want me to build an extension? Here's a wall of...
26 Groan-Worthy Puns and Jokes That Only Dads Could...
- Are dad jokes funny? That depends on your sense of...
22 Dirtbag Parents For The Hall Of Shame
- Parenting is tough, but being better at it than these...
Clueless Husband’s Behavior During Labor Has...
- Looking for a guide of what *not* to do...
What Were They Thinking? - 23 Insane Posts from People...
- These people need to see a shrink before they possibly...
44 Dad Memes Perfect for Father's Day
- Have a look through these Father's Day and Dad-related...
Mother Has the Biggest Twin Babies of All Time
- "Thor. Dad is Thor."
25 Hilarious Mom Memes for Mother's Day
- You forgot again, didn't you?
'No Wonder She Wanted a Divorce': Disturbing Footage...
- Steven Crowder doesn't want his wife to divorce him,...
School Bus Driver Facing Child Abuse Charges after...
- "My son was was out of breath, and red-faced, and...
'So is the Baby!': Plane Passenger Angry That Baby is...
- "We are in a tin can, with a baby in an echo chamber!"
Woman Terrorizes Mother With Her 'During Church' and...
- Krystal Stanley loves to terrorize her mother with her...
Asshole Pranksters Trick Elderly Lady Into Almost...
- TikTokker KodyChody is living proof that parents...
Kid Shoots His Mother Off a Ladder with a Nerf Gun to...
- Maybe keep the nerf guns away from your kids the next...
'I Think the Tooth Fairy Was Drinking Last Night': Dad...
- Michigan dad has a hilarious reaction to giving his...
Woman Gives Her Dad's Number Out at the Bar, He...
- This dad is more than ready to have a little fun with...
'You Don't Give AF About Your Kid You Give AF About...
- This definitely isn't the first spat between these two.
22 Things Poor People Know That Rich People Don’t
- I grew up in the woods of Western, PA. We were pretty...
25 Memes About That 'No Kids Life'
- When somebody asks why you don't have kids, show them...
Eve 6 Has the Best Punishment for When His Kids...
- Nineties alt/rock band Eve 6, the masterminds behind...
IKEA Wants You To Pee In Their New Baby Crib
- IKEA is known for its easy and user friendly home...
OnlyFans Model Sues Kids’ School for Being...
- We'll say it louder for the folks in the back; sex...
‘GoldenEye’ Dad Has Spiritual Awakening Playing...
- We all remember the first time we played 'GoldenEye...
20 Wild and Weird Kids Who Are Pushing Their Parents...
- Kids are hands-down the weirdest f**king creatures on...
21 Classic Dad Moves In The Shape of Memes
- Let him grill out for every meal (and meme)
Little League Umpire Forfeits Team after Unruly...
- Finally an umpire has taken a stand against the...
eBaum's Picks