Entitled Owner Causes His Own Store to Shut Down After...
- This POS vendor has no issue doing exactly what he was...
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Manager Demands to Use Worse System, Chaos Ensues
- The employees always know what's best.
Hardo Security Guard Requires Guests to Show Last 5...
- I've never understood the idea of cops thinking...
Sajad Gharibi aka the 'Iranian Hulk' Accused of...
- A man known on the internet as the "Iranian Hulk" was...
Entitled Dad Ruins Kids’ Day by Haggling over $2...
- This is just aggravating, annoying, and sh*tty...
Apparently TikTok Creator Curt Skeleton Is an Ai...
- A viral TikTok by the user Curt Skelton claims that...
NYT Film Critic Lena Wilson Deletes Social Media After...
- A recent controversy has stirred up on social media...
Dude Cheats on Significant Other, Finds Out Karma Is...
- This dude totally got what was coming to him. One...
Workers Destroy Management Bathrooms After Removing...
- A new kind of biological warfare.
The Internet Roasts Drake's New Hair Style
- Twitter has a lot to say about the rapper's new 'do.
62 Wholesome Memes and Pics for Feel Good Friday
- Enjoy a round of pics and memes that showcase the fact...
Confused Customer Doesn’t Understand Time Zones,...
- Sorry to break it to you, but you - as a customer -...
Dad Cuts Off Daughter After He Pays For Her Wedding,...
- "Let him know the next payment for the wedding is due...
Stranger Says ‘Smile, It Could Be Worse’ F**ks...
- Also stop telling strangers to smile, it's f**king...
KFC's Secret Recipe of 11 Herbs and Spices Has Been...
- KFC has a history of safeguarding the recipe for their...
Students Prove Stats Teacher is Grading Unfairly Using...
- She taught them too well.
18 People Who Were Confidently Incorrect
- At least they believed in themselves. Maybe too much.
Couple Under Investigation for Sex Act at Oakland A's...
- During the 5-3 Oakland win, a fan captured a couple...
Michigan Slide Takes Absolutely No Prisoners
- The iconic Belle Isle Park slide is back in action,...
28 Roasts That Burn Hotter Than Oil
- These really hit their mark.
Andrew Tate Has Been Banned From Facebook, Instagram,...
- After controversy over creating misogynistic and toxic...
Twitter Reacts to 'Game of Thrones, House of the...
- It might be good!
Clueless Bro Accidentally Exposes His Lack of...
- Tell me you know nothing about the female body without...
15 Funny 'Adult Only' Games That Should Have Been...
- Playing these games feels like a nice swift punch to...
Wendy Williams Serves up a Combo Burp-Fart to Her...
- She does it like a pro.
15 Hilariously Over-Sexed Video Game Covers That Make...
- Because sometimes gameplay isn't the most important...
The 'Explaining Girl' Meme is Blowing Up the Internet
- There is an interview with her too!
People Awaken Sleeping Volcano By Throwing Rocks at It
- Who knew throwing rocks at a volcano would make it go?
27 Historical Photos Brought To Life With Color
- A collection of old black and white photos that spring...
Woman Gets Former Neighbor’s Car Towed After They...
- Don't mess with someone's parking space.
26 Things That Would Test Your Patience
- Bad luck can face us anywhere.
Larry Mazza an Italian Mafia Member, Talks about...
- A chilling recollection of the murder of Nicholas...
Meta's Horizon World Is a 10 Billion Dollar Garbage...
- You'd think they could fix that hairline in VR?
24 Memes Fresher Than Your Fingernails
- Memes that sit right.
Ezra Miller Finally Makes Statement, Addresses Erratic...
- In a statement made on Monday night, Ezra Miller...
Video Resurfaces Showing How Much Nickelodeon...
- Arianna Grande fans are up-in-arms about a now-viral...
Dr. Oz Goes Grocery Shopping and it Backfires Big Time
- Crudité is the word of the day.
28 Fun Randoms to Pique Your Interest
- Funny pictures, images, memes and photos.
20 Juicy Facts About Fruit
- Fruits are an inherent part of human society. Hence,...
30 Really Stupid Things People Overheard
- People can be really dumb sometimes.
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