10 Children's Toys That Got Banned From Sale
From unsafe features to downright creepy implications, these are the toys that didn't last long on the shelf and not in a good way....
Published 7 years ago in Wtf
From unsafe features to downright creepy implications, these are the toys that didn't last long on the shelf and not in a good way....
Sky Dancers - The little wind-up and spin through the air fairies were everywhere in the 90s and they were wreaking havoc. The Consumer Product Saftey Commission in 2000 stated when recalling the toy, "Galoob has received 170 reports of the dolls striking children and adults resulting in 150 reports of injuries. They include eye injuries, including scratched corneas and incidents of temporary blindness, broken teeth, a mild concussion, a broken rib, and facial lacerations that required stitches."