11 Of The Most Awkward Interactions People Had With Doctors
Going to the doctor is already sooo uncomfortable
Published 7 years ago
Going to the doctor is already sooo uncomfortable
Went to a dermatologist for scabies (little skin mites that itch like nothing can prepare you for). Apparently they settled a nice little bustling town named Anus. Had to lay on my stomach while an attractive older Asian lady and younger attractive med tech probed at my butthole with their fingers. Shame boner achieved.4
First time I had to get a physical for freshman football. The doctor was a very stern-looking Eastern European guy. We do all the normal stuff... then it comes time for the hernia check. I started giggling as soon as the dude touched my balls. "ZIS IS NOT FUNNY! PLEASE STOP VIT ZE GIGGLING!!!" At that point, I lost it.6
My wife is in the OR getting a c-section. We can't see anything as there is a curtain covering her from the chest down. I think the Dr. must have forgotten that we were on the other side of the curtain, because he and another RN were just going on about their love of golf and their favorite courses. That's when the Doc busts out with, "I love the course over in Wyandotte because they don't care if I smoke weed."7
Well, I went to the ER late at night with my sister after having sharp pains what a thought was coming from my pelvic region. The pain wasn't life-threatening but something I needed to get checked out asap. Anyway, the hospital was pretty empty this late at night and things seemed pretty laid back here... no big deal except I was getting a pelvic exam and the nurse/doctor forgot to lock the door connecting to a bathroom that was attached between my room and the waiting area. Well, the doctor is down under with the prongs of life that are inserted into the vaginal canal so he can see whats going on down there, and we hear someone go into the bathroom from the other entrance. The nurse runs over and locks the door but in the mean time I start laughing because it was honestly just a funny situation. Laughing is not a great thing to do with the prongs inside of you... they shot out (they were all lubed up) when I started laughing and hit the doctor IN THE FACE. He laughed, I laughed, the nurse was laughing, and all he could say was "Well, i've never had that happen."8
Shared this story here once before. Got a herniea when lifting a gate, so they had to ultrasound on my balls. The doctor was a female and when she put the gel on my balls I said "that feels wierd." She stops immideately and says "Did you just say that feels good?" I was like "No, wierd. It feels wierd." Worst awkward silence of my life followed.11
I have a heart arrhythmia, and a couple years ago I went in for a procedure called an ablation attempting to correct it. Basically, they go in with a catheter through your femoral artery in your leg, feed it up into your heart, and freeze the group of cells causing the irregular heartbeat. What I didn't know, however, was just how close to your groin they enter the artery, and that the entire area had to be shaved. I was lying on a stretcher waiting to be wheeled into the OR, and in walked this nurse who was the spitting image of Michael Clarke Duncan, an absolutely humongous muscular black man. He asked me to raise my gown, and proceeded to shave my entire pubic region. I tried making small talk at first, but once I realized that was making it much worse, I just shut up and prayed for the ordeal to be over soon. Lying there having my inner thigh and crotch shaved by that dude was one of the most uncomfortable experiences of my life, but looking back it's pretty hilarious. TL;DR: Michael Clarke Duncan shaved my balls.