14 Crazy Things You Can Buy Online Right Now
What a time we all live in.
Published 6 years ago in Wow
What a time we all live in.
Gallium is a metal that can melt in your hand.
You can actually have the metal in a 99.99% pure form shipped to your house here.4
A coaster that says "DON'T FUCK UP THE TABLE" is probably the exact message you want to send to your houseguests. Get one here.5
Want to make your dog look like a Bantha from Star Wars?
Well you can for some reason, if you buy a doggy costume here.6
This playhouse is way too nice for most adults, but you can actually buy one for children here.7
A coaster that says "DON'T F**K UP THE TABLE" is probably the exact message you want to send to your houseguests.
Get one here.8
Is there anything you'd rather be doing right now than bouncing on a trampoline in the middle of the lake? Doubt it.
Follow your dreams here.9
Is it a bench or a picnic table? Why not both?
This mysterious shape-shifting contraption can actually be purchased here.10
Yeah, that's a real book that exists.
I don't know if it's actually a page turner, but you can read the preview here.11
Amazon really lets you ship yourself Szechuan Sauce because we live in a cruel universe.
Buy some here.15
Ice cube trays have moved on without you.
Get the most advanced freezer-powered ice maker in the world here.16
Say you came home late and you have meat in the freezer, but you want to eat it now. They've actually figured it out.
You can get a nifty steak defroster here.