14 Interesting Alcohol Facts That You Will Love
Nathan Johnson
Here is an array of 14 amazing alcohol facts that will leave you with a drinking story or two.
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Whilst several men were sitting around having a few drinks, they started to hum a drinking song. They liked the tune so much they added a little patriotism to it and became the famous “Star spangled banner”. -
It takes an average of 600 individual grapes to create a bottle of wine. -
If you drink a glass of wine a day, you will gain an average of 10bs in a year. Although red wine is proven to reduce the risk of heart attacks, so it is a real catch 22. -
Your mind is tricking you when you get the warm fuzzes after a few drinks. Alcohol actually lowers your blood pressure, so technically it should make you colder. -
The amount of pressure in a bottle of champagne is 90 PSI. That is approx. three times the pressure in your car tyre. No wonder we are shrouded in fear when we open the bottle. -
Ten thousand light years away, there is an Astro cloud that is made of alcohol. It could make four trillian, trillian drinks. In other words, out there, it’s party time. -
During the time of prohibition, Bible scholars rewrote The Bible to exclude any reference to alcohol. Which makes the whole water to wine thing a bit less impressive. -
In Texas it is a law that you are not allowed to stand and take more than three sips of beer. What? Texas you crazy, girl. -
In Alaska it is illegal to give moose alcohol. You would think that it would be illegal to give any animal alcohol right? -
In Cambodia, a shot of brandy with a tarantula in it is often a drink of choice. -
In the early days of celebrating Thanksgiving, there was no mention of turkey or potatoes. However beer, wine and gin were all mains. -
There are approx. 49 million bubbles in a bottle of champagne. That fish from Finding Nemo would freak the hell out. -
Making a toast to celebrate originates from ancient Rome, when people would drop pieces of bread into their wine as custom. -
If you feel like a quick nip in the middle of your school day, then many schools in Europe will serve it to you at your leisure.