15 Human Body Facts That Are Creepy And Chaotic
The human body is completely and totally insane when you think about it.
Published 2 years ago in Creepy
The human body is completely and totally insane when you think about it. Thanks to Reddit, we've collected some of the creepiest facts about this bag of meat that we all call a body. Enjoy!
If you get a splinter or foreign object stuck in your skin you can hold a flashlight against your skin and shine the light through your flesh, and the foreign object will be a dark spot. Light actually passes through our flesh quite well. Also, if you shine a bright enough light into your mouth you can see the light in your own eyes. -SuperBaconjam16
There is an urban myth that your fingernails continue to grow after death, which is supposed to explain why dead bodies often appear to have long nails.
The truth is that the soft tissues in the fingers and hands tend to contract as they lose moisture, leading to the appearance of growing nails. -Draculamb20
We don't just have one sphincter. When you go NO 2 comes along it passes another inner sphincter which isn't under voluntary control. Meaning you can do oOoOoO with your outer sphincter, but not the inner one.
(You tried, that's okay) Sensory cells can detect whether you're about to pass gas or solid. From toddler age on, you can decide to go or not to go. If the time isn't right (e.g. at a friend's house or no toilet nearby), the inner sphincter can push it back in and store it there for later. -bmb00zld