15 Movie Details Spotted by Attentive Viewers
Nathan Johnson
Even film buffs don't necessarily spot all of these details, which is probably what makes these movies worth watching again and again.
So if you happened to notice any of these little bonuses, then give yourself a pat on the back then continue scrolling. You must never stop scrolling.
It's a little odd to think though that if some of these things are so subtle, who were they really intended for? Were these secrets added to the films just so years later they could end up on a listicle? Probably.
When you're done with this list, send it to your cousin who went to film school and ask them why they never made anything this good.
Then click here to be taken to something completely different.
So if you happened to notice any of these little bonuses, then give yourself a pat on the back then continue scrolling. You must never stop scrolling.
It's a little odd to think though that if some of these things are so subtle, who were they really intended for? Were these secrets added to the films just so years later they could end up on a listicle? Probably.
When you're done with this list, send it to your cousin who went to film school and ask them why they never made anything this good.
Then click here to be taken to something completely different.
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O-Ren Ishii from Kill Bill says to the Bride that she won’t stand even 5 minutes in the fight. As ironic as this might sound, their subsequent fight lasts 4 minutes and 59 seconds precisely. -
In The Devil’s Advocate movie, Keanu Reeves’ character charges $400 per hour. This amount is not random: if you add up the cost of one minute, you get $6.66. It openly symbolizes who he’s dealing with. -
The wedding ring of The Truman Show’s main character is another camera that helps watch him. -
In the first part of The Terminator, we see Sarah Connor who suddenly got herself a dog. She did it because, earlier, Kyle Reese told her that dogs can spot terminators. -
In the movie Avatar, the window into the hall of the invaders is made in the shape of the American flag. If you look closer, you’ll see the number 50 in the place where stars are supposed to be. That’s the number of stars the original flag has. -
At the beginning of the movie, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Zero draws a mustache on his face to look more respectable. At the end of the movie, he grew older and his mustache grew naturally. -
Patrick Bateman, from American Psycho, wears a Rolex watch. The novel mentions it 26 times, but the movie doesn’t mention it even once. It’s because Rolex manufacturers didn’t want their goods to be associated with this psycho. -
In the movie, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Episode IX) (2019), the android C-3PO mentions that the Festival of the Ancestors takes place on the Planet Pasaana every 42 years. The first part of the franchise was released 42 years ago, in 1977. -
Along the plot of the movie Whiplash (2014), the main character has a stronger and stronger desire to become a great musician and he gets further and further from his mundane life. His clothes change too, together with this metamorphosis. If at the beginning of the movie he wears light clothes, at the end of the movie he only wears black, just like his teacher. -
The hammer from the Thor movie found in the sandy area is actually surrounded by something resembling glass if you look closer. This is because sand turns into glass under the influence of high temperatures. -
In Blade Runner 2049, Harrison Ford really punched Ryan Gosling in the face. Attentive viewers can see this by their reaction: Ryan didn’t expect it at all, while Harrison got scared and grabbed his own hand. They confirmed this in one of their interviews. After the shoot, Ford invited Gosling to a bar as an apology. -
When Red, from The Shawshank Redemption, is asked why people call him this name, he jokingly replies, “Maybe because I’m Irish?” In fact, he is an Irishman with red hair in Steven King’s book, that the movie is based on. -
In this scene of the thriller Seven, John Doe’s face is split into 7 parts. The characters’ dialogue lasts more than 2 minutes, but this detail remains almost the entire time. -
Samuel L. Jackson’s characters often have something purple in their look. It’s the actor’s favorite color and sometimes he asks to have this color added to the movies he is in. -
Chewbacca’s chair onboard the “Millennium Falcon” is much dirtier than Han Solo’s, which is quite easy to explain.