15 of the Rarest Dog Breeds
Here are 15 breeds that are pretty cool looking. There are a lot of dogs out there, some weirder and rare than other. These are some of the rarest we could find and put in a gallery. Do not look up the prices for these dogs.
By Ohlord
Published 6 years ago in Wow
Here are 15 breeds that are pretty cool looking. There are a lot of dogs out there, some weirder and rare than other. These are some of the rarest we could find and put in a gallery. Do not look up the prices for these dogs.
Fall in love with those eyes of this Australian Pom
The Bedlington Terrier has a strange body shape
And this Buergamesco Shepherd's fur is really weird
You just have to laugh at The Brussels Griffon
The Catahoula Leopard has some piercing blue eyes
Chinese Cresteds are adorable as pups but are always top contenders for the "ugliest dog" awards
These may look like your average dog but these are Czechoslovakian Vicaks
That's not a birth defect, this is the Double Nose Andean Tiger Hound (and yes, that's the way it's supposed to look)
The full grown Golden DOx is the best of both worlds in one tiny long floof
The Kooikerhondje would love to shed on your black jacket
This Lagotto Romagnola looks like he's got trouble on the mind (but you can't even be mad with a face like that)
The Mudi markings are just stunning
The Saluki is so elegant and graceful looking.
This Thai Ridgeback has a gorgeous coat and carriage
The Xoloitzcuintli is as weird looking as her name but hey, no worries about grooming or shedding!
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