15 People Reveal Horrible Incidents Cops Have Ignored On Purpose
Have you ever come across a crazy event that the police have purposely ignored? Well, these Redditors have. Here's a list of such incidents from cops, ex-policemen, or people who know them.
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“I used to work along side cops and I had one tell me a story about one time he approached a car in a park late at night, he figured it was either people having sex, doing drugs or homeless. Well he walks up and peaks in and sees a guy on his side jerking off his dick with one hand and fisting his ass with the other hand. He said "nope fuck that" and walked away. I don't blame him, I'm not a cop but if I was I can say I would wait away too” - Psyco_diver https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/v3ox9e/cops_of_reddit_whats_the_most_illegal_thing_youve/ -
“Well one time back in 1977 I was doing this traffic stop because we were searching for some stolen military secrets. Supposedly the criminals had recently acquired this giant translation device and a silver trash can, and these two dudes were in a car with exactly that. We asked them how long they'd had these items, and this punk teenager said it had been about 3 or 4 seasons. Wasn't a particularly convincing lie and I was pretty skeptical, so I asked to see an ID. Then the other dude, an older man started waving his hand around and said I didn't need to see his ID. The old dude was dressed up like a wizard and I'm pretty sure his religion had been illegal for like 20 years, but I didn't really want to deal with that lunatic so I just told them to move along.” - MrGentleZombie -
“I dunno. There's pretty much PC for every car on the road. I stop about 1% of them. Probably a physical fight between two dudes that clearly want to fight each other. Unless someone's getting curb stomped or is otherwise clearly in need of help (or someone calls 911) I'm generally not getting in the middle of that dumpster fire.” - ThrowawayCop51 -
“I work side by side with police and a guy was stealing flip flops and beer. He saw us going to stop him and ran dropping heroin on the ground, resisted arrest which he was weak, he ended up having a gun. So as I remember he got charged with armed robbery, possession of a illegal firearm, possession of a illegal substance, resisting arrest and they whooped his ass.” - BurgerFoundation -
“I've seen a double homicide of surenous in my town, I don't remember full story but it had something to do with the nortenous not getting along w surenous, I don't remember the argument they had I was driving w my windows down heard yelling then gunshots and you could tell from the stripes there were 4-5 nortenous and 2 surenous at a Walmart parking lot as for me I just didn't get invested.” - Nearby_Violinist_668 -
“I used to frequent a business partially owned by a local cop, spent nearly all my money there in my late teens. A certain group of us used to smoke weed in the parking lot behind the building. We got caught once but he let us off with a warning. It only occurred to me just now, twenty years later, that the reason we only got caught once was because he never went behind the building again.” - accomplished_loaf -
“My buddy is a prosecutor in CA, apparently less than 10% of fraud is prosecuted.” - ItsbeenBroughton -
“Not quite a cop, but my best friend in university worked as campus security for the dorms. Basically made sure that no one was doing anything too stupid or getting dangerously drunk or parties weren't getting out of control. Anyways, there were a few rules that basically automatically resulted in you getting kicked from the dorms if you were caught doing them. One of them was being in the fire escapes, which were off limits unless there was a fire drill or an actual emergency. So one evening, he's on patrol and I'm keeping him company, just shooting the shit. All of a sudden, we look up and see, through the glass panels of the fire escape, a bunch of guys riding a toboggan down the fire escape. They get down to about the third floor, abruptly stop, notice the vest my friend is wearing, yell at each other, and book it inside. I glance over at my buddy, expecting him to either start heading for the dorm or radioing inside to someone. Instead, he's grinning ear to ear and he just remarks, "That's the damndest thing I've ever seen." He apparently found the toboggan outside someone's room a few nights later. He didn't bother investigating it any further.” - darkknight109 -
“I work across the street from Walter reed, when trump was sick there a bunch of his supporters were camped out late at night (2am), I guess supporting him. Anywho there were a bunch of cops lined up in a bus lane near the entrance sitting in there cars. A raised maga pickup goes the wrong way down a street for taxis super fast and then almost side swipes me to get to the exit and light. Missed me by cm, I make eye contact with the cop in the bus lane as the guy peels off. The cop just pulled up his phone and continued scrolling.” - shubonid -
“Watched a group of half naked Viking costumes people invade a presidential proceeding and destroy federally protected property while also providing guidance to them.” - facemesouth -
“Second hand story but I knew a cop that found a felony amount of weed on 2 teenagers. He pulled them over for something like rolling a stop sign (I don't exactly remember) But the kid panicked and pitched a freezer bag full of weed. Enough to get them both felony charges but like there's no way the cop could've missed him tossing it. Realizing they were teenagers he had them get out of the car and asked if they liked to dance. As they looked at him confused he dumped the bag on the ground and said make it disappear and they stomped it into the dirt. Honestly that was probably a lot of money in weed so they didn't exactly get off without a punishment. Just didn't go to jail” - No_Manufacturer5641 -
“Not a cop but probably the most illegal thing I’ve personally seen a cop ignore was a guy on a bicycle weaving through all the traffic lanes (both ways), doing wheelies, swerving around cars and causing a helluva disruption to the flow of traffic. I saw a cop car and was like ‘oh yay someone will put an end to this madness’ but nope, cop just kept rolling along. He wasn’t rockin’ the lights and sirens either so it’s not like he was on his way to something super urgent. Just didn’t want to deal with this crazy cyclist I guess.” - Chellbelle23 -
“Watched a guy just totally go to town on this black guy once. Then did it again, and again. Still haven’t reported my partner…” - Wunchs_lunch -
“(Obligatory "not a cop, but") My drunk buddy lit off a giant bottle rocket (illegal in CA) from his hand in the middle of the street, inches from a cop car stopped (because my buddy was in his way) in the middle of the street. After releasing the bottle rocket, he notices the cop car and runs inside the party house (where a metal band was performing, and there was an illegal grow upstairs), and the cop just drove away. Same cop came to the door later when the same drunk friend set half the lawn on fire. Fire was out before he even showed up, he told us to keep our friend under control or next time he would have to come into the house, which was full of drunk people, loud music and reeked of weed(pre-legalization). By this point the friend had already puked on the floor and passed out and was tossed (face down) in the compost heap, in case of future puking. Cop didn't have to come back.” - Primehunter14 -
“Saw a kid fuck a dog nothing else needs to be said” - Lonely-Nerve-3970