15 Utterly Insane Disney Fan Theories for Warped Minds
We're all aware just how passionate and overzealous Disney adults can be. We figured we'd take advantage of that crazy fandom and pull some movie theories from the internet.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
We're all aware just how passionate and overzealous Disney adults can be. We figured we'd take advantage of that crazy fandom and pull some movie theories from the internet.
We're all aware just how passionate and overzealous Disney adults can be. We figured we'd take advantage of that crazy fandom and pull some movie theories from the internet.
Thanks to one of the most twisted corners of the world wide web - AskReddit - we've gathered some of the most disturbing Disney fan theories that are so crazy, they just might be true.
From Peter Pan being a creep who kidnaps little boys to everyone's favorite Holocaust allegory; 'Toy Story 3.' Take a deep dive down the rabbit hole of some of the wildest most bizarre theories from the Disney universe.2
My favorite is Donald Duck being a WW2 vet. Donald is responsible for single-handedly taking an island from the Japanese, but the experience gave him serious PTSD and that's why he acts the way he does. The Department of Defense officially issued him an honorable discharge in 1984, meaning he retired as well. -No_Improvement75733
Cars has a cars pope. Christianity is canon in the cars universe. This meaning there was also a cars Jesus who suffered a cars crucifixion. Furthermore the Jeep character is actually canonized as a WW2 veteran. There was a cars WW2 this meaning there was also a cars Hitler who killed scores of presumably Jewish cars. -funkyjiveturkey5
Bambi's mom wasn't just killed by a hunter. She was killed by a poacher.
There's a hunting scene right before winter where the whole family escapes. That was hunting season. You don't hear a single gunshot during the winter because it's off season. Bambi's mom was killed in early spring by a poacher. -lllSnowmanlll11
Marlin from Finding Nemo is delusional with grief. The barracuda ate his wife and every egg. Nemo is a hallucination that manifests his grief and his journey to find Nemo is actually a metaphor for him finding himself again and traversing the stages of grief. Nemo means Nobody in Latin. -obi-jawn-kenobi12
There's a line in Be Our Guest that specifies "10 years we've been rusting..." meaning they've been enchanted for 10 years at that point. Chip is pretty clearly well under 10 when they break the spell and he becomes human. Which means that either the spell also froze their ages in time, or the teapot version of Mrs. Potts both conceived a teacup child (with who/what?!) and gave birth at some point.
Also, there was a cupboard full of teacup children that weren't given names that also appeared to be under Mrs. Potts's care. What's the deal with those kids?! -killebrew_rootbeer13
I think Scar would have definitely mated with Sarabi and Nala. Think about it. Simba was gone for like 3 years. In lion prides, the lead male would breed with multiple lionesses to make sure his line is intact. Sarabi was the previous queen and Nala a prime choice as a young female. Scar for sure had ample opportunity to continue his line. -Marquis_de_Skiatook14
In the movie Frozen, Kristoff's coat is made of reindeer skin. Kristoff's best friend is a reindeer, and he is dressed in reindeer skin. The ice harvesters must have murdered Sven's mother, leaving a baby Sven for Kristoff to care for and the pelt for him to wear. This explains why Sven and Kristoff are so close, and why Kristoff still wears the same pelt. The smell reminds Sven of his mum. -Goatmanthealien15
The characters of Winnie the Pooh all represent a mental disorder.
Pooh: Compulsive Eating Disorder
Tigger: ADHD
Eeyore: Major Depressive Disorder
Piglet: Generalized Anxiety disorder
Owl: Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Rabbit: OCD
Kanga: Social Anxiety
Roo: Autism
Christopher Robin: Schizophrenia (he's hallucinating all of his friends) -AnnemarieOakley