When we examine historical photos and pictures, it can be hard to visualize what the past would have looked like if we had been there. Conceptually we are aware that it would have been in color, and not the black and white photos, or paintings we are forced to view it in.
But visualizing this is difficult. What did the clothes look like? The people? The landscapes? Well, thanks to amazing work, we can have a look at these colorized images, and they look far more modern than you could have imagined.
A Giant in the year 1905 enjoying a beer in a tavern
A crowded beach in Atlantic City photographed in 1908.
Boxing aboard the U.S.S. New York in 1899
Lt. Richard Winters during training at Camp MacKall – 1943
Leon Trotsky, Frida Kahlo, Natalya Sedova, Mexico, 1937
Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, during the first ‘Big Three’ Conference, November 1943.
Phone in the trench, 1915, WW1, 4th battery of the 10th Artillery Brigade of the Western Front, Imperial Russian Army
Coney Island, New York, 1903
Actress Brigitte Helm having a break in costume on the set of the 1927 Fritz Lang film ‘Metropolis’
Theodore Roosevelt, photographed in 1898 during the Spanish-American War while he was a Colonel in the “Rough Riders” 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry
People at Daytona Beach in Flordia, United States in 1904
US 17th Airborne Paratroopers, with their hair cut in Mohawk-style, being briefed for the next day’s Jump across the Rhine, Arras, France. March 23, 1945.
American troops on board a landing craft heading for the beaches at Oran in Algeria during Operation ‘Torch’ in November 1942.
World War I chain mail face mask worn by a French Tank gunner. It is designed to help protect the crewmember’s face from shrapnel when looking through the view ports. October 1918
The busy Main Street in Sheridan, Wyoming photographed by Farm Security Administration photographer Marion Post Wolcott in August 1941
J. Robert Oppenheimer and Albert Einstein, 1947