These are just the worst people. I know it goes both ways and there are absolutely horrible tenants out there too, but some landlords really do try to get away with doing as little as possible. So next time you're looking for a place to rent or move into, make sure you check out the landlord as well as the property for lease or rent and if you get any of these kinds of vibes, get the heck out of there as fast as you can!
“My landlord pretended to do work around the apartment but ended up installing this 360° wifi surveillance camera which also records audio, without telling me about it.”
“My landlord has just put our thermostat in a cage.”
When windows are expensive, while doors were bought at a big discount:
“A rodent died under our sunroom this winter and stunk up the house. This was my landlord’s answer to fixing the smell...”
“My landlord told me he had the apartment cleaned before my move in today, but I think he might’ve lied.”
“My landlord told me he’d pressure wash my deck...”
“Does my landlord think he’s being ‘relatable’ and ‘cool’ with this or....???”
“An ideal repair, according to my landlord”
“My landlord behaves weirdly.”
“My landlord screwed a piece of cardboard to the wall.”
Do landlords sleep well at night at all?
“My landlord permanently replaced the shower wall with a garbage bag because “tiles are too hard to find.”
“My landlord decided to re-tile the kitchen... from top to bottom apparently. We were worried that the ceiling would be next!”
“Discovered tonight that the carbon monoxide alarm in our apartment hasn’t had a battery for the entire time we’ve lived here and that it was ‘plugged in’ to 2 slits my landlord had carved in the wall.”
“My landlord finally fixed my back door. Good as new”
“We moved into an apartment and wanted to get rid of this painting. But the landlord said, “You won’t be able to remove it, I made sure of it.”