16 People Who Died in Insanely Funny Ways
Neill Lynskey
Death is all around us, and we are all dumb as hell.
One guy got buried underneath cheese wheels, yes really. In Australia, a pilot crashed into a wallaby which caused an explosion. There was even one guy who was wearing a white sheet and then got shot because people thought he was a ghost. And now he is a ghost!
Sometimes it all works out.
These people weren’t comedy legends while they lived, but they were stupid enough to gain the title in death and that’s pretty cool.
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King Alexander of Greece died in 1920 after he got bit while breaking up a fight between his dog and a monkey. -
In 2002, Roger Wallace lost sight of his remote control plane, accidentally flew it into his chest, and died. -
In 2001, Bernd Brandes met Armin Meiwes online. Brandes volunteered to have Meiwes slaughter and eat him for dinner. -
In 1649, British soldier Sir Arthur Aston was beaten to death with his own wooden leg. -
Sir Francis Bacon died of pneumonia after shoving a chicken carcass with snow to see if that would better preserve it. -
An Australian rugby player ate a slug on a dare, which contained a parasitic worm. He went into a coma and later died. -
Kenneth D. McCullar, an Australian bomber pilot, died when he hit a wallaby that was on the runway. The collision detonated all the bombs. Both man and wallaby did not survive. -
In 2014, French oil magnate Christophe de Margerie died when his private jet crashed into a snowplow. -
In 2017, Julio Macías González died from an embolism on his neck that started as hickey. -
In 2023, Giacomo Chiapparini was killed when a shelf in his cheese shop collapsed and he was crushed by cheese wheels. -
In 2021, a guy in Spain crawled into this Stegasaurus statue to retrieve his phone. He got stuck in there and died. -
The Great Dublin Whiskey fire of 1875 started in a whiskey store house. The barrels created a river of whiskey in the street and thirteen people died of alcohol poisoning. -
Franz Reichelt, a tailor, built an early version of a wingsuit. He jumped off the Eiffel Tower and immediately died. -
The death of Aeschylus, killed by a tortoise dropped onto his head by an eagle. -
In 1804, a guy named Thomas Milwood was wearing his uniform as a plasterer, which was a white sheet. He was shot and killed by someone who thought he was a ghost. -
Irma Bule was a singer known for performing with live snakes. In 2016, she was bitten onstage by a king cobra and died.