16 Times Someone Became The Thing They Swore to Destroy
Harvey Dent once said, “You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”
Published 1 year ago in Facepalm
Harvey Dent once said, “You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”
Thanks to Reddit, we've collected some of the most soul-crushing stories of people turning into the villains they vowed never to become.
Recently I got into a tiff with my boyfriend and felt very irritated and irrationally upset. I entered the kitchen and started to aggressively wash the dishes, making sure they made extra noise banging on the sink…Just like my mother used to do when she dove into an unexplained bad mood and took it out on me. I straightened up and worked through my feelings pretty quickly and apologized to my boyfriend. -tenderfoot19148
Two years ago I was an electrician's apprentice. The safety guy would always get on to me about being unsafe and I'd hate it I always thought of him as an overpaid under worked dickhead. Turns out I was right now I'm an over paid under worked dickhead and it's awesome the checks are amazing and the work is light as hell. -HardcaseHondo11
I told my friend's kids they could have a toy if they didn't fight over it, and if they fought I would take it back. They agreed, then proceeded immediately fight over it when I turned around. Without any conscious input from my brain I spun back and heard myself exclaim, "What did I just say?!"
And suddenly I was my mother. -ttnl3515
My brother was randomly and violently assaulted by some guys leaving a bar, so I went back every night for a week, armed and ready to find the guys responsible, follow them home and kill them.
I'm hunting at the bar one night, and suddenly the bartender hands me a double-shot of whiskey and says "You look like you could use this." I wasn't expecting a free drink, and the interaction made me sort of 'snap out of it' and realize I'd become just another piece of sh*t criminal if I carried out my revenge plan.
Went home, put away my weapon, and checked on my brother. -dramatic_tempo16
Growing up, my dad hated going out. When we went on church outings, we were always the first family to leave. He just wanted to stay in and read the paper or watch tv. I vowed to never be as boring as him when I got older.
Now that I'm older, nothing makes me happier than when plans get cancelled and I can just chill at home, and not worry about the commute or how much money I'd have to spend going out. Even if it's something I'm looking forward to like a band I really wanna see, part of me still wants to not go because of how crappy the late night commute will be. -YounomsayinMawfk