17 Times Expectations Crash Landed on Planet Reality
When expectations get destroyed by reality.
Published 3 years ago in Funny
In many instances, one's happiness is largely a product of how well they manage their expectations. The #6 on the menu at the hole-in-the-wall burger shop by your place? Yeah, it's not going to come out like that.
Kind of like that time the Traveling Medicine Show guy stopped by the eBaums village center and sold us all those anti-werewolf pendants.
"Ne'er again will ye unwashed village folk be subject to the scourge of the vile lycanthrope!" He said. Convenient that he happened to bounce the night before the next full moon. We lost so many village interns that night.
But see, our disappointment was our own fault; we expected the anti-werewolf pendants to work like werewolf repellant, rather than serving as a defensive choking hazard. Had we managed our expectations a little better, we might have been less disappointed about the loss of those interns.
Kind of like that time the Traveling Medicine Show guy stopped by the eBaums village center and sold us all those anti-werewolf pendants.
"Ne'er again will ye unwashed village folk be subject to the scourge of the vile lycanthrope!" He said. Convenient that he happened to bounce the night before the next full moon. We lost so many village interns that night.
But see, our disappointment was our own fault; we expected the anti-werewolf pendants to work like werewolf repellant, rather than serving as a defensive choking hazard. Had we managed our expectations a little better, we might have been less disappointed about the loss of those interns.