20 Bruce Lee Facts That Will Smack You Straight Onto Your Back
Bruce Lee needs no introduction
Published 9 years ago
Bruce Lee needs no introduction
Lee could smash through wooden boards that were six inches in thickness. While others might revel in this ridiculous feat of strength, Lee would famously say: “Boards do not hit back”. Accordingly, he was much more of a fan of opponents who could give him some inkling of a challenge. Seeing as there weren’t many in his league, he usually needed numerous opponents.2
The man who taught Bruce Lee his legendary technique, Yip Man, gave lessons and opened a school for martial arts because he was addicted to opium and needed cash to buy the drug. The great, flawed teacher made a deal with Lee that he would only share kung fu with fellow Chinese, and never teach a foreigner the secrets of the craft. Lee broke that promise, but changed millions of lives.14
Bruce was very nearly killed when he suffered a very serious spinal injury. The vital fourth sacral nerve in Lee’s spine was smashed in. For most men, that would be the end of agility, if not mobility. However, Lee was desperately driven to prove the doctors wrong, coming up with own psychological philosophy to restore his physical powers. It was a case of mind over matter, and when he skipped from the hospital, he was more powerful than ever before.18
Bruce Lee once broke a bystanders arm in an extremely hard core way – by kicking an opponent so hard that he went flying and smashed into the bystander. Lee kicked the man so hard because the guy had screwed up the last scene, a mistake that led to Lee’s hand being badly cut by a bottle. Moral of the story: you didn’t mess with Bruce Lee.20
His movements were both accurate and incredibly quick. The great Bruce Lee could pluck a dime out of a person’s open palm before they had the chance to close it. Impressive enough, but to put the icing on the cake, he’d leave a penny behind in the dime’s place. Obviously, his training was relentlessly, driven by an unmatched work ethic.