A Spectacular Fall From Grace: 20 Celebrities Downfall Stories
Nobody is perfect, but these celebrities really messed up in their short-lived careers.
Published 10 months ago in Wow
Nobody is perfect, but these celebrities really messed up in their short-lived careers. They screwed up hard, making their fall from popularity all the sweeter to watch. The people at r/AskReddit remembered some of the biggest celebrity screw-ups in the past years.
U.S. congressman Gary Condit. He was considered one of the favorites for the democratic presidential nomination in 2000, but a woman on his staff, Chandra Levy went missing. In the investigation, it turned out that he was being looked at as a person of interest because he had been having an extramarital affair with the woman (who later turned up dead, having been murdered by someone unrelated). The affair mixed with the investigation, where he had initially lied about being involved with her, essentially destroyed his political career. u/DamnGoodOwls8
Len Bias. He was compared to Michael Jordan and was drafted by the Boston Celtics on June 17, 1986. Went to Boston on June 18 to sign his draft deal and signed a $1.6 million product endorsement deal with Reebok. Came home and celebrated his achievements but partied too hard and died of an overdose the next day. u/MutluPB9
Jerry Springer was legitimately a rising star in the Democratic party, elected mayor of Cincinnati in his early 30s, and some viewed him as the spiritual successor of RFK and progressive politics. Until his career was derailed by a prostitution scandal. He was caught because he paid for it with a personal check...u/TheAtomicPlayboy14
Chris Benoit What happened was quickest, hardest, and most destructive. First, Benoit strangled Nancy. The next day, he smothered Daniel with a pillow having administered Xanax to him. Then, a day after that, Benoit went downstairs to his home gym tied a cable around his neck and committed suicide. Over a three-day period Benoit went from a famous wrestler to murder sucide. u/SuvenPan16
Jason Russell, the KONY 2012 guy. Became one of the largest viral campaigns EVER at the time. The thing was HUGE and international and this guy was EVERYWHERE. Kids at least thought this guy was going to save the children of Africa singlehandedly with the stickers we were putting everywhere. Then, BOOM, mental breakdown, jerking it in the street. Disappeared out of the public eye forever. u/Busterthefatman17
Amanda Bynes. Her tragic struggles with mental health sent her on a spiral of DUIs and other arrests for destroying property, throwing her bong out of a hotel window and allegedly pouring gasoline on her dog. Her Twitter tirades including Drake and photos, walking around LA in no clothes. I mean there was a lot. And everyone just kind of tuned in for the public destruction of her life. It's really sad. u/EquipmentNo577619
Steven Seagal. Back in the late 1980s and early 1990s, he was being hyped up as the next Schwarzenegger/Stallone/Willis/Van Damme/Lundgren with the peak of his career being the 1992 movie Under Siege and it all went downhill from there. In today's world, he is best known for being a fake martial artist, a pathological liar, a sexual predator, a bully, a friend of Vladimir Putin and a terrible actor who makes Tommy Wiseau look like Gary Oldman. u/TailsxCream4Eva