20 Easy to Use Tips, Tricks, and Cheat Codes for Life
Things that actually work.
Published 1 year ago in Wow
Life can be tough to navigate at times and we could all use the occasional help or tip. Some things we learn on our own through schooling, work, life experience, or family members. Some of the other things you may learn after an unfortunate experience or even by accident.
So with that being said, get ready to possibly learn something new and expand your horizons as you check out this list of things that while you may or may not know, most people do not.
Books, they are the real cheat codes for life. in a few hours reading you get information that took years for the author to get. My favorite books are 'A brief history of nearly everything' by Bill Bryson, 'And then there were none' by Agatha Christie and 'A brief history of time' by Stephen Hawking5
For college kids: if you need a bunch of sources for a paper just go to the Wikipedia page and go to the bottom where the sources are. There’s usually more than 50 PROPER sources in citation format. Please, make sure to at least briefly read over the source to make sure it’s relevant to your topic.6
Plant food, but focus on perennials.
Spring hits, food just starts growing. Everyone is starting seeds, and I will have asparagus in about a week. My garage is filled with Jerusalem Artichokes. I have thousands of strawberry plants out of the 4 that I bought.
Given everything that's going on right now, I think a lot of people would really benefit to having food growing on their land instead of just useless grass lawns. Keep some lawn, sure, but maybe also plant some potatoes or something. Everyone's freaking out about a food crisis and I just keep giving food away to neighbours. I also just do this as a hobby, I work full time. I just decided to replace some lawn with food, and it's been really helping out people around me as they panic about being locked up and having nothing to eat.
Now imagine if everyone did this. Not a ton, just a little here and there. How much less stressful would this crisis be if everyone had 6 months of stored food at all times - kinda like their grandparents lived. It's actually not that hard either. Some stuff is hard, but some stuff is stupid easy, like Jerusalem Artichokes, strawberries, fruit trees, etc.9
If you get a bloody nose, you can stop it by stomping the heel of your foot on the same side that your nose is bleeding on. I know it sounds absurd, but I swear to you it works. I get heavy nosebleeds, and nothing would stop the damn things. That is, until I learned the heel trick. It works every time without fail.10
Give a customer a longer estimate knowing it wont take that long, and then that way it impresses and pleases them when you gets the results more quickly. This is a "cheat code," because it gives the impression that you've worked harder or faster, when really you're just manipulating expectations. This can apply to most any timetable or deadline. The easiest example would be a hostess at a restaurant. Tell a party it will take 30min to be seated, knowing it will take actually take 10-15min. IIRC, this technique was mentioned on Star Trek as a ploy the engineers would often use to impress the captain.11
For getting people to like you: be genuinely interested in their personal life. Not embarrassing things, but things they enjoy about their own life. Ask about their kids, dog, etc. And (this is key) remember details for the next time you talk. If they tell you they are potty training, then ask how it's coming along. Only offer advice if it is truly helpful, not for the satisfaction of giving advice. Also, learn their name as quick as possible. For many people, their favorite word is their name.13
Everyone in these comments is calling buffs and starting traits "cheat codes." It's like they've never played video games. I'll give you a couple real ones. Compliment your friends behind their back, your relationships will improve magically. If you ask someone you don't know well for something small, like to borrow a pen, they will actually like you just a bit more. (for best results, return pen) (does not stack)14
If you need to remember something but don't have anything to remind you (like you don't have time to set an alarm), visualize yourself remembering. For example, if you don't want to forget to bring your hat when you go out, imagine yourself about to walk through the door, and imagine yourself thinking, "oh, my hat!" Bad example maybe, but the point is that just visualizing is quick, easy, and effective.15
Press 0 to get a human. Ever have to dial a hotline and have to go through Press 1 for, Press 2 for, Press 3 for, etc? A lot of time when you want to speak immediately to someone on those prerecorded telephone hotlines you can just hit 0 for a human. Now some places they are really smart. Hitting 0 just ends the call, which by then you mentally implode.16
If you're a parent and want to enjoy some time undisturbed use the cheat code "I'm gonna take a nap and when I wake up we'll all do chores together" on your kids. They'll want to let you sleep as long as possible to avoid doing housework, so they'll leave you alone to actually nap or do other things like read.18
You can sneak into pretty much anywhere if you wear business casual and stand up straight and talk on your phone about business-related things.
Also, you can wear a blue-collar getup and bring a cooler full of beer, no one stop the beer guy, works with bags of ice too.
Very important that you act and look like this is just another shi**y day in your shi**y job, don't look in a rush either.19
There's hundreds of free certifications you can get online and add to your resume. Throw a few on your resume that are relevant to your career and they'll become a conversation piece during the interview. They won't land you the job by themselves, but they'll make you stand out among other candidates.20
Being conventionally hot. I recently lost 20 pounds and people treat me so differently, and it wasn’t even that dramatic of a change (though I’m 5’1 so it does make a difference on a small body)! When I’m in a crop top, and my hair and makeup are done it’s like all social interactions go on easy mode.