Whether out of the blue, or after a difficult situation, these people got fired in the absolute worst circumstances.
Getting fired totally stinks, but there is a good way and a bad way for it to happen.
Whether out of the blue or after a difficult situation, these 20 people got fired in the absolute worst circumstances. Hopefully, they all find new jobs soon, because these terminations were not on them.
“They fired everyone, without notice, by text messages, weeks before Christmas. A former employee was apparently still logged in and able to edit their post.”
“Got fired along with 80% of my coworkers for “budget cuts.” Same night, the CEO posts this.”
“I brought muffins to work because of my birthday, five minutes later they told me I was fired because of budget cuts.”
“Got fired and now my ex-job is making me pay for training courses I was forced to take. Right in time for Christmas.”
“This is how I got my stuff back after I was fired. My clothes are stained with Cheeto dust. The food was in my locker neat and closed.”
Company fired them, and gave them muffins.
“Friend got fired for looking for a new job.”
“This is how my manager fired me, 20 minutes after I left my shift with him.”
“Got fired from my job because I couldn't come to a cleaning party on two hours notice.”
Waitress was fired after receiving a $10,000 tip.
“Got fired after getting stabbed. I worked at a major city’s fire dept. as an EMT. I got stabbed on my off day, my right wrist took major damage, four of my tendons were severed, a bone was fractured. I was told by my surgeon that I couldn't work for three weeks. My Boss told me to get another opinion and that if I was not able to come back earlier he would send it up the chain. The Assistant chief called me later that week and told me I either turn in my resignation or they'll fire me.”
“I got fired for needing to go to an emergency visit with my oncologist.”
“Put in my 2 weeks because of poor working conditions and was fired.”