19 Cringey Times Awkward Dudes Met Female Celebrities
Okay fellas. I see you. Shoot your shot I suppose.
Published 1 year ago in Creepy
Okay fellas. I see you. Shoot your shot I suppose.
Listen, I get it. I've had a massive celebrity crush on Linda Cardellini since I was old enough to get butterflies in my stomach over a girl. And yeah, I'd probably be pretty stoked to meet and/or get a photo with her.
But like, come on guys. Can we not refrain from being creepy on main for like 5 seconds. Have some dignity. In that light, we've collected 20 of the cringiest dudes, who have even worse interactions with celebrities of the opposite gender. From shoving flowers in their face, to the most inappropriate of physical contact. These pics are chock-full of cringe.