20 Popular Trends From the 2000's That Would Get You Mocked Today
Times change, and with time the styles do too. Here's a list of twenty things that were pretty dang stylish and dandy in the 2000s but are totally out of fashion right now.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
Times change, and with time the styles do too. Here's a list of twenty things that were pretty dang stylish and dandy in the 2000s but are totally out of fashion right now.
“The “scene” look. Poofy straightened hair, tons of eyeliner, tight clothes etc. Teenage skater me thought girls like that were just the hottest. Also for guys, medium length hair that would kinda flip up to create “wings”. I remember i used to put a fitted hat on right after i got out of the shower to try and create the look. Feel like dudes like Ryan Sheckler really popularized it.” - yourmothersanicelady