19 Thoughts That Are Not Technically Wrong
There is no lie
Published 2 years ago in Funny
Being right and being wrong are not necessarily polar opposites of each other. These are 19 thoughts that while perhaps not being completely right, they are technically most definitely not wrong.
There is room for a lot of grey area regarding what is right and what is wrong. Many of these thoughts and statements fall into that grey area. While something might not be put to the intended use it was designed for, that doesn't mean you can't use it for something else. Take a pizza roller for example. While using it to bludgeon a burglar over the head is most definitely not the right way to use it, it is difficult to argue that in that scenario, the pizza roller was not put to a perfectly good use. Technically, it was not wrong to use the pizza roller in that way. These thoughts are just like a pizza roller.
There is room for a lot of grey area regarding what is right and what is wrong. Many of these thoughts and statements fall into that grey area. While something might not be put to the intended use it was designed for, that doesn't mean you can't use it for something else. Take a pizza roller for example. While using it to bludgeon a burglar over the head is most definitely not the right way to use it, it is difficult to argue that in that scenario, the pizza roller was not put to a perfectly good use. Technically, it was not wrong to use the pizza roller in that way. These thoughts are just like a pizza roller.