20 Stories from People Who Allegedly Slept with Celebrities
Sometimes the elaborate lives of celebrities intertwine with those of their fans or 'common folk.' One thing leads to another, and something truly special happens...sex, it's obvious we're talking about sex.
Published 1 year ago in Ftw
Sometimes the elaborate lives of celebs intertwine with those of their fans or 'common folk.' One thing leads to another, and something truly special happens...sex, it's obvious we're talking about sex.
Thanks to AskReddit (and people not signing NDA's) we've compiled the wildest stories of every day people hooking up with massive celebs. We also get an inside look at how good these famous people are in the sack. Spoiler alert: most of them are fairly average.
Imagine that. They're just like us!
Thanks to AskReddit (and people not signing NDA's) we've compiled the wildest stories of every day people hooking up with massive celebs. We also get an inside look at how good these famous people are in the sack. Spoiler alert: most of them are fairly average.
Imagine that. They're just like us!
In college I began hooking up with a girl from my hometown. Her parents were very wealthy and she was known as a wild party girl. She was at every festival or big concert. Before long we became a serious thing, and we shared a lot of secrets. She’d always tell me this big name rapper wanted to date her. She told me the story of how she had a threesome with him after a concert and after that he just won’t leave her alone.
I believed they hooked up, but always thought she was full of shit on the dating… this was until one day he FaceTimed her while I was in the room and I heard for myself this guy attempting to lure my girlfriend into moving to his city. Maybe a year after this, I’m in a new relationship. Another free-spirit type party girl, huge rap fan. She’s from a entirely different area of our state.
We do the deed for the first time and we’re lying in bed exchanging stories. Tells me a story of going back to a rapper’s hotel room, wanting desperately to hook up with him, then finding another girl in the room and the rapper assuring her it was all ok. She said the rapper took his pants down and already had on a condom.
She also motioned with her hands to show he was absurdly hung. As she’s telling this story she starts describing the other girl in the room. Turns out my ex was the second girl during the threesome, and I’d just become Eskimo bros with this man for the second time. The rapper… A$AP Rocky. -More_Inflation_42446
My band was on tour in 2010 and we played Spaceland in LA. Kesha was there and was already pretty well known. I had no idea who she was but we had a friend in common and all hung out that night. She and I hooked up in my hotel room and it was unmemorable (I’m sure for her, too) as we were both pretty wasted. Left town the next day and we haven’t spoken since. -advancingmexicans11
Friend of a friend blew John Mayer and he had explosive diarrhea around about the time he climaxed and shat all over her shirt; she had to leave the hotel room without a top on. This happened like 15 years ago and I’ve never been able to associate him with anything else. Fathers be good to your daughters, lest they be pooped on by John Mayer in a hotel room. -_sugrrr12
I made out with Roxanne McKee on and off for about 3 hours at a penthouse party in Toronto. They just finished filming something. Terrence Howard was there and a few others. The women were high-end escorts rolling hard on Molly and the guys were doing rails. I got lucky with Roxanne b/c we were the only 2 people sober there. Me, because I was invited last minute, showed up in track pants and sneakers, and her, because she was hot and classy. -Kitchen-Bid-823515
My ex slept with Till from Rammstein just before we got together (we were friends at the time). She said he was very respectful and "had skin as soft as a babies". Apparently he also fucked her bent over the rail of his hotel room balcony overlooking the city. Invited her back for breakfast the next day after they did sound check. She said "10/10 would starf*ck again." -Kailoi