For musicians and bands, their brand is usually tied to their genre. But that doesn't mean they can't change things up.
For better or worse, sometimes a change in direction is ultimately needed. Love or hate them, The Beatles were incredible at adapting their music to the changing times.
So without further ado, here is our roundup of famous bands and musicians that suddenly switched to a different genre.
R Kelly went from Rythm and Blues to Prison Blues -u/sleepingweasal
The band Chumbawumba, responsible for the song Tubthumping (I get knocked down, but I get up again,) actually had a thirty year career and they were all over the place.
They started out as a straight up anarcho-punk band. Then they made an album that was entirely acapella protest songs. Then they made folk albums, pop, one with central American sort of flair. -u/helpmelearn12
Daft Punk before they were Daft Punk. -u/Decepticum
Pantera was a glam metal band. -u/MissMetalSix
Beastie Boys started out as a hardcore punk band. -u/warmhandluke
Trent Reznor has now composed multiple Oscar-winning movie scores. -u/bfume
It feels like cheating to mention David Bowie, but he started out doing English music hall stuff in the style of Anthony Newley and folk rock.
Before moving on to psychedelia, glam rock, electronic music, neo-soul, trad rock, industrial, and a string of albums at the end of his career that can only be described as David Bowie music. -u/drinkthecoffeeblack
Garth Brooks had a weird alt rock side project under the moniker/persona Chris Gaines. The first single did fairly well, but the whole thing was ridiculed to the point of no return. -u/herpty_derpty
Anyone remember Pink starting off with R’n’B? -u/tillie_jayne
Skrillex used to be in the emo band From First to Last. -u/richisbonkers
Goo Goo Dolls used to be a punk band. -u/ryanino
Michael Bolton started out in rock/metal, his band Blackjack opened for Ozzy once. -u/konydanza
Katy Perry was originally a Christian rock artist under her real name Katy Hudson. -u/-eDgAR-
Ronnie James Dio, known for his heavy metal, actually started out as a Doo Wop artist in the 1960's. -u/-eDgAR-
Beck just goes from genre to genre whenever he wants to. -u/Shiny_Mega_Rayquaza
Silverchair was teen Nirvana and ended up orchestral pop. -u/needathneed
Ween (the duo responsible for the hit song "Ocean Man" most notably referred to in the SpongeBob Movie) hasn't had a single album sound the same. Idk if you can dub them any sort of genre.
They started off as I guess what would be considered like a garage/surf/punk rock? But not even? I don't even know...
Then they had an entire country album with banjos and acoustic guitars. The Mollusk is an underwater-inspired, psychedelic, joy ride that is genuinely the most underrated concept album from the 1990's. -u/ahtaylor13
Black Eyed Peas. Before getting Fergie'd, they were an alternative hip hop group. And then went all pop-rap. -u/JayceLinux
Gwen Stefani went from punk-rock ska chick to pop-country barbie doll pretty quickly. -u/TheJadedSF
Bring Me The Horizon went from deathcore to metalcore to hard rock to pop-rock. -u/Sum_Oke
Bob Dylan started out as a folk singer, then had a rock period, country period and even did some gospel music. -u/tralfamadorianSunset
Ministry started off a synth heavy new wave band before switching to industrial metal. -u/iheartcrack666
Robert Plant from Led Zeppelin regularly makes albums with bluegrass musician Alison Krauss. -u/deepsea333
Darius Rucker was the lead singer of Hootie and the Blowfish and popped back up as a country artist. Hootie just got back together, though, a couple years ago. -u/ProfessorSucc
Jewel went from pop/rock to country. -u/fduniho