The diverse world we live in is jam-packed full of all kinds of things, in many different shapes and sizes. Even the everyday normal objects can be interesting on their own, but sometimes there are super-sized versions of them. From massive animals to ridiculously large plants and vegetables, these absolute unit sized items may sway your opinion on the age-old question, "does size really matter?"
Take a few moments and check out an interesting collection of some extra-extra-large versions of otherwise normal things.
It turns out an adult man can easily stand in the submarine missile launch tubes.
This is Queen Mary 2, a British transatlantic ocean liner, and its captain.
A bison named Boston gets bloodwork and gets tagged. He weighs about 3,000 lbs.
These tiny dots at the bottom of the photo are Bedouin nomads crossing the Wadi Rum Desert in Jordan.
This girl is sitting on top of the Abraj Al Bait.
Kurobe Dam in Tateyama Town, Japan, makes people feel like ants.
Workers are standing in front of an Airbus A380 tail.
The oldest door still in use in Rome
The Triceratops femur is on the left, the African elephant’s leg is on the right, and a research fellow is lying between them.
The giant Chinese salamander
King Alfred’s Tower in the UK and a tiny human standing near it
This is the Atlas moth. These moths don’t eat at all (they don’t even have a mouth) and live off the nutrients they accumulated in the caterpillar stage.
This is Samson. According to his owner, his height is 6’2’’.
The Statue of Unity in India is the biggest statue in the world. It’s 787 ft tall if we include its base.
Astronaut Bruce McCandless became the first human who went into outer space “free-flying.”
This is Tianjin Binhai Library. If you don’t believe your eyes, you’re right. The books on the top shelves aren’t real — they’re just stickers.
It looks like this giant whale shark is going to bite the boat.
A man at the foot of this sequoia.
Actress Kristin Chenoweth (her height is 4’9’’) and basketball player Boban Maryanovich (his height is 7’3’’)
The Lithuanian Public Security Officer Eligius Ruskis (his height is 6’7’’) next to the President of the country and other public figures.
An alligator snapping turtle is hibernating under a sheet of frozen ice. These reptiles can be 4’2’’ in length and weight up to 132 lbs.