24 Things That We’ve Outgrown in Old Age
As we get older, it seems like everything becomes more difficult to deal with.
Published 3 years ago in Funny
As we get older, it seems like everything becomes more difficult to deal with. Sometimes we have to just say, "I'm too old for this" and move on.
We went to r/AskReddit and found some of the things people are getting too old for.
We went to r/AskReddit and found some of the things people are getting too old for.
Facebook. there comes an age when you have to consider... do I really care what kind of clickbait shit my high school friends who I never talk to and never will see, likes? I only had facebook because it helped with socializing in college/high school, but afterwards it's really hard to want to add new friends because they can see your history, and you can too. -u/chupalaw15
Being around people that don’t respect my boundaries and also not communicating my boundaries. I’ve stayed in sh*tty relationships and kept sh*tty friends for longer than I should have, because I was too afraid to communicate boundaries or I was too afraid to stand up to people when they were acting sh*tty. -u/Pancake-pretty