25 Seemingly Innocent Songs That Are Really about Sex
There are an infinite amount of songs out in the world. I would bet nearly 90% of them are actually about sex.
Published 2 years ago in Funny
There are an infinite amount of songs out in the world. I would bet nearly 90% of them are actually about sex.
Thanks to Reddit, we've collected some of the most seemingly innocent songs, that turned out to be super dirty.
We knew humans were horny, but this is ridiculous.
Thanks to Reddit, we've collected some of the most seemingly innocent songs, that turned out to be super dirty.
We knew humans were horny, but this is ridiculous.
The Foo Fighters "All My Life" is about going down on a girl. It never occurred to me at all until I read that Dave Grohl said in an interview, "That song is a little dirty. I'm very fond of giving oral sex to women. It's a pleasure-giving experience - giving someone something that they'll remember for the rest of their lives, and if you do it right, they will." - -eDgAR-3
I grew up listening to Meat Loaf a lot because my dad played it on every car ride. One of my favorite songs was "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights." My oh-so-innocent child mind didn’t pick up on the meaning of the lyrics until I rediscovered the song about a month ago. I guess this one isn’t so innocent. The song is blatantly about having sex in a car and I just never realized it when I was a kid. - breakthefifthwall