25 Make-A-Wish Employees Reveal The Craziest Wishes They Granted Kids
Kids are wonderfully innocent beings who see the strangest form of happiness in most random things. Here's a list of people revealing unique...
Published 2 years ago in Feels
Kids are wonderfully innocent beings who see the strangest form of happiness in most random things. Here's a list of people revealing unique Make-A-Wish wishes from children.
“I shot an internal promotional video for Make a Wish once. I got to read through a big book of wishes they had granted. Some of them were so extravagant and amazing. Family vacations, celebrity meetings. And then I saw a 3 year old who wished for a banana split for breakfast. And that's what they gave him. No one was like "ayo. Wish higher." - josiemarcellino3
“I helped host a visit to a planetarium by a kid whose wish was to go to the moon. The front office folks thought I could just give her a personal tour of the planetarium and show her some nice high-resolution visuals, but I thought she deserved better than that. I commissioned a jeweler friend and meteorite enthusiast to make a silver crescent moon necklace, which he graciously donated to the cause, and I donated a small lunar meteorite from my own collection.
It was a gorgeous necklace very much to the credit of my friend's artistry and generosity. We couldn't take her to the moon so we gave it to her instead. She was thrilled, but later said her real highlight of the trip was the astronaut ice cream. Ah, kids.” - aluminum264
“My daughter was a Make A Wish kid. She asked to go to Australia to meet the Wiggles. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to travel that far (we live in the US) health-wise. She made a second wish, to meet Captain America. We never told Cap that he was a backup wish after the Wiggles were a no-go. LOL” - Allyson2445
“When my sister was 5 and I was 8, she had cancer and had the opportunity to make a wish. When our mom and the make-a-wish person sat down with her, they told her she could wish for whatever she wanted. She just kept saying she wanted macaroni. They kept saying "but it can be anything you want!", yet she simply wanted macaroni and cheese. After some strong encouragement to think bigger, and the make-a-wish person suggesting Disneyland, she chose to go to Disneyland.” - tinbasher976
“My friend, I’m 14 and my good buddy had ALL leukemia. He asked for a ride in a fighter jet and he somehow got it! I was surprised because the doctors would say how his bones were getting fragile and weaker and I guess I thought the G force of the jet would hurt him but he was fine and had a blast. He’s doing better now and is scheduled out in about 3 months :)” - IronNuggetsYT7
“I was granted a wish after beating brain cancer in 2015. They flew my mum and I out to the capital city of our state and we stayed in the flashiest, most expensive hotel suite with all the bells and whistles. We got free dinner, drinks, and dessert on arrival, and got to chill in the VIP lounge while we were waiting for our room.
Our room was decorated with teddy bears and chocolates and MAW decorations. The next day we were chauffeured to the local mall in a limo and I went on an eleven hour shopping spree with a pre-loaded VISA card and bought every solitary thing you would imagine a 16 year old girl wanting. I ended up having to buy another suitcase to take everything home with me but it was the most epic 3 days of my life. I’ll never forget it.” - lizzierose4568
“A friend of mine is a K9 police officer. He helped Make-A-Wish grants a wish to a set of twins with the deadliest form of Cystic Fibrosis. Most of the time kids with CF aren’t allowed to be around others with it because of cross-infecting bacteria. Them being twins shortens their life expectancy even more. Well, these 10-year-old boys wanted to meet a police dog. My friend and some of his buddies upped the wish and during their meeting of his dog they got called to help solve three “crimes” in their town.
They pulled over a high jacker, found and arrested a robber and helped find a “missing” six-year old (my friend’s nephew). The town police department gave them certificates and honorary police badges for their work. Around 200 people showed up to where they got their awards to cheer them on. At their eleventh birthday they gave my friend a plaque they made with their dad thanking him for the best day ever.” - hisamsmith13
“I was a chef at a fancy steakhouse in Jacksonville Florida, one day my proprietor came To me and said this is Stacy the new girl she’ll be training with you, I look over and it’s this adorable little girl in a bright pink chef coat. I babysat my little cousins at the time So I was actually pretty used to entertaining 10-year-old girls at the time.
So I showed her the ropes, we made all kinds of stuff, that were on the surface kind of random, candied bacon, cornbread, prosciutto-wrapped Boursin cheese-stuffed asparagus, a sweet tea brined pork chop, a sorel garnish salad type thing and some other Cool garnishes. We were having fun, I then made a purée out of the cornbread and let her plate up the dish a few different ways to show how you can play with ingredients and height to showcase different parts of the dish.
She had a blast. It was only at the end when the father came up to me In tears that I realized what was goin on. In the moment I was a little upset because nobody told me. But I realized after it was for the best. I probably would not have been as bright and vibrant with the “lessons” had I of known. But it was a fulfilling experience for sure. I hope there family is doing well. Side note( I have re-worked and re-ran the dish as a special a few times in memory of that day, it was that impactful)” - jayblaze52114
“I worked at a hospice and we had a wishing program. One of our patients, 24 year old with brain cancer, wanted to hold a sloth. Apparently, sloths are very nervous creatures, so it's a little tricky to actually hold one. I found a local company that does visits to schools and whatnot who had a sloth. Sloths only go number 2 about once a week and the sloth could only travel the day after he went (because they get nervous, any longer than that and the sloth has stress diarrhea).
So basically, we had to wait until the sloth went and then set up the visit for the next day. The sloth went number 2 on Thanksgiving, so we set up the visit for the next morning. The patient was able to hold and pet a very sweet sloth. The patient died about three weeks later, and I am very happy I was able to help give her some joy in her final weeks.” - ByteAboutTown15
“I worked at a LEGO retail store in the 2000s and Make-A-Wish approached us for a child with terminal Osteosarcoma who wanted to be in the store for a day. LEGO, unfortunately, denied the request (which surprised myself and the rest of the staff because LEGO was a pretty great company). Staff decided to honor the request ourselves. We closed the store early on a Sunday, then invited the kid and family in. He had a full run of the store, we collectively paid for like $1000 worth of toys for him to take home, and just spent the entire evening building w/e he wanted. He died a few months later16
“There was a Make-a-Wish kid in a class I taught once and their wish was to tour a pickle factory. Pickles were their all-time favorite food and they wanted to see how the sausage was made so to speak. Apparently, Vlasic rose to the occasion in a major way and she had the time of her life.” - ligamentary17
“I was approached by a similar organization who wanted to arrange a day for a kid to shadow a veterinarian. I’m just a small animal veterinarian with a small hospital so I found it odd that I’d be approached. I said yes (who tf would say no?) and we picked a day and had our regular patients in the hospital and the kid got to watch us do our thing for a day.
We gave him a lab coat and a stethoscope and let him tag along and see x-rays and ultrasounds and watch surgeries. I brought my dog in so he could try the ultrasound on her. He seemed to enjoy it. It wasn’t a terribly strange request really, it just seems like my day-to-day isn’t something anyone would consider their dream experience.” - TankVet18
“In wizard 101 there’s a quest with an NPC named Brandon, named after a make a wish kid who played the game, and his request was to design a side quest for the game. You meet Brandon and go help him clear out this dungeon with 2 really hard bosses, was a lotta fun. At the end U get a gem you can socket that lets you summon Brandon into battle as a follower, pretty cool. Not sure what ended up happening to Brandon, but it’s really cool that thousands of ppl have gotten to enjoy being a part of his wish tbh” - Arkneryyn21
“I went to high school with someone whose youngest brother had some rare, terminal disease and he was at the end of it. This kid was 10 and the thing he's wanted to do since he was 5, was to be a train conductor and take trains all around the world. With the help of make a wish and some others, he was able to go and be a "conductor" for 6 of his last 8 months of life and he traveled all over the US. He seemed like he had so much fun.” - ericakay1522
“I’m a Wish Granter! My strangest personal wish was a refurbished 80’s camper so that she could have her own space (she couldn’t go out in public while her transplant was new-ish, and she was going crazy in the house with two younger siblings). It was actually pretty cool, although the strange part was that MAW can’t actually use “used” things like that.
So we had to get her a new VW camper (or something like that, it’s been a while) and “artfully” make it look vintage. So strange. Anyways, please feel free to apply to be a Make-A-Wish volunteer! It’s such a rewarding experience, and even if you don’t feel like you can work with the kids, there’s also other volunteer positions like fundraising, event planning, and more!” - SemiSweetStrawberry23
“I had a coworker at my student job in college who had leukemia as a child. He wished to be in the Iditarod so they flew his family to Alaska and he got to meet all the dogs and ride in a sled for a leg of the race. If I remember correctly he also got a husky puppy. He was 20 when I met him. I was a couple of years older and graduated college and never saw him again. The leukemia came back and he died in 2016. I don’t think he was much older than 25. One of the nicest guys I’ve ever met. I hope heaven is real just for you, Ben.” - gaycryptid24
“After I survived cancer at 17, I was offered a wish. I went to Christmas Island with my family to see the spawning of the red crabs - reckoned to be one of the seven natural wonders of the world. Picture it, a million fist-sized red land crabs making their way down to the sea edge to release their eggs into the ocean over a period of just three hours or so. The make-a-wish volunteers looked horrified as I explained it. And Im typing this now, so yes, I lived thanks.” - RhoZie01325
“When I was on a carrier they flew a kid and his parents out. They routinely fly distinguished visitors but we thought it was weird there was this kid. They got tours and watched flight ops but he couldn’t fly with us so they asked us to have dinner with him so he could at least meet pilots and ask questions. It was really humbling when we realized this is what he was there for, he literally wished to just come see what we do and hang it with us.” - Jakl4226
“I was a Blackhawk pilot in the Army and we had a Make A Wish kid who wanted to fly in an Army helicopter. We had to remove all the seats so we could strap his wheelchair down in the middle of the helicopter and we flew him around at treetop level yanking and banking with the doors open for awhile.” - hawkmech67