24 Disturbing Facts That Ruined Our Day
Want to know some of the most unsettling truths ever? Here's a list of facts that are quite disturbing.
Published 2 years ago in Creepy
Want to know some of the most unsettling truths ever? We're not sure why you would, but here's a list of facts compiled from AskReddit that are quite disturbing.
The Nutty Putty Cave accident. Google for full disturbing details / a map of the cave, but basically a guy got stuck caving in a very narrow unmapped tunnel, UPSIDE-DOWN. They could not get him out, but almost did, one of the rescuers made eye contact with him apparently but then their pulley system broke and he fell further down. Unfortunately he ended up dying of cardiac arrest from being upside-down for so long and they couldn’t get him out / never retrieved the body because it was too dangerous for rescuers. Truly so disturbing, I’ve thought about it probably once a week since I found out about it a few months ago. Edit: even more disturbing now that someone gave this a wholesome award.8
I forget what it's called but sometimes the artery that runs right next to your esophagus, over years of recurrent acid reflux can rupture. It fills your stomach with blood in seconds which causes you to vomit, which causes more damage. It fills you up with blood so fast that it eventually fills your lungs. This takes maybe a minute or two and is almost always fatal unless it happens to occur while you're in a hospitalYour last few minutes alive are spent vomiting pints of blood and then drowning in it.11
That it takes three generations for you to be completely forgotten. Think about how you viewed your great grandparents. Sure you probably loved them but for most people their great grandparents die and are forgotten as you live your life. One day that will be all of us. Disappearing into the void, none to remember who we were, what our life was like or what we believed in.15
Pelicans are some of the most demonic birds in existence, if not some of the most demonic creatures. Pelicans will go into other birds nests, shove the parents out of the nest. They will then swallow babies whole, fly back to their own nests, and regurgitate the still half alive, partially digested babies, to their own babies for them to consume. Some pelicans are literally raised on the partially digested, living flesh of other baby birds.16
The horrendous practice of having a “dancing boy” AKA child sex slave in some regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan. When families are poor they will sell their child to be a “dancing boy”. The children are frequently killed if they resist. It’s a rough watch but the documentary The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan covers this awful practice pretty well.18
Cyanide poisoning is an incredibly painful way to die. Cyanide was what Jonestown consumed for mass suicide. Parents were instructed to give it to their children and convinced the crying was just fear. Edit: For those asking about how cyanide works. If memory serves from when I first read this and listened to the audio recordings, it feels like a massive, massive heart attack. It may not have taken too much time, but any time greater than "instant"is too long to suffer before death.20
Often, burnt bodies are found in the same stance, known as the “Boxer Pose” due to muscles contracting from heat. It’s an incredibly disturbing looking thing, I first heard about it from my Grandfather that fought in Burma. During the war he was present at a Burmese funeral in which the cadaver was burnt on a pyre. Just as the flames began to singe the corpse, it sat up straight. The Burmese, of course, got a good laugh out of the British soldiers collectively shitting themselves, as contractions due to heat during cremation is apparently rather common. Doesn’t make it any less creepy.