25 Cursed Images of Pure and Unadulterated Terror
These are somehow captivating.
Published 3 years ago in Funny
In a just world, we'd be allowed to take these pics out back and... take care of them the old-fashioned way. But, because of legislation recently passed in the pocket dimension where the eBaums World office resides, we have to give these Cursed Images "due process".
It wasn't always like this. In my day, when an image became cursed you could... deal with it. There was an understanding. You did what was best for society. But they've grown powerful, these cursed images. They've infiltrated every level of government. They've learned how to protect themselves and buy the laws they need that keep them in power. And so our hands are tied.
But you, you can work outside the law. You can be the silent hand of justice, a lone wolf operating in the shadows to keep these Cursed Images off our streets. Down below is your list; find them. And do us all a favor.
Erase 'em.
It wasn't always like this. In my day, when an image became cursed you could... deal with it. There was an understanding. You did what was best for society. But they've grown powerful, these cursed images. They've infiltrated every level of government. They've learned how to protect themselves and buy the laws they need that keep them in power. And so our hands are tied.
But you, you can work outside the law. You can be the silent hand of justice, a lone wolf operating in the shadows to keep these Cursed Images off our streets. Down below is your list; find them. And do us all a favor.
Erase 'em.