26 Things That Existed Way Before You Think
These may change your perception of time.
Published 3 years ago in Funny
We have a lot be thankful for. The digital age has given us the power to transmit information at nearly light speed. The creature comforts afforded to us by the invention of things like air conditioners, washing machines, and dishwashers give us more time in the day that would otherwise have been lost. The internet gives us access to daily doses of dank memes and fun pics. Indeed, next time you're not gathering your ash to mix with pig's fat to make yourself some soap or trying to get upstream of the battlefield to wash your clothes, be thankful for life's modern pleasures.
That said, you'd be surprised just how much you'd get to keep even if you went a few centuries back -- from roman slave-powered social media to 4000-year-old flushing toilets, there's a lot of things around us that are a lot older than you think.
That said, you'd be surprised just how much you'd get to keep even if you went a few centuries back -- from roman slave-powered social media to 4000-year-old flushing toilets, there's a lot of things around us that are a lot older than you think.
I don't know if this counts but Dinosaurs lived on the earth a lot longer than most people think. When you think of dinosaurs, you think of their extinction but they roamed the earth for 165 million years. Compare that to our 6 million and it's almost mind boggling, at least imo. The modern form of humans is 200,000 years old but if we include our humanoid ancestors, we've been here 6 million years.13
The sentiment that modern society is degenerate and that the youth are to blame is, iirc, one of the oldest things we have written down. That I can remember off the top of my head, Cato the Elder complained that the younger generations were becoming too greek, and Socrates used to complain that the younger generations were ruining their brains by writing instead of memorising information. There are far more older examples, but those are the oldest I remember (maybe Socrates was onto something)17
Brain Surgery In 1997, archaeologists discovered an ancient tomb in the French village of Ensisheim from 5,000 BC, which contained the decomposing body of a 50-year-old man with holes in his skull. After a thorough examination, it was determined that the holes, located near the frontal lobe, were caused by a type of surgery, not by forced trauma, and the operation appears to have been successful because the wounds healed before the patient's death. To this day, however, researchers cannot say for sure what exactly the surgery was trying to fix.22
The use of concrete. It's use goes as far back as the Mayans, but more notably in Egyptian construction as well as in Rome. The Romans had an arguably greater concrete mix than we currently have, but that was never passed down. Eventually the use of concrete fell out of popularity for centuries as we seemingly lost the information needed to create it, as if the recipe was thrown out and nobody wrote it down. Also Samuel L Jackson. The man is 71 years old, but looks like he hasn't aged in decades!25
The first carbonated drink to be sold to the public was invented by Swiss watchmaker and amateur scientist J. J. Schweppe in 1783, who sold his delicious "sparkling water" to thirsty customers in Geneva. In just seven years, he was doing business so fast that he moved the factory to London and introduced a new flavor, sparkling lemon, to stand out from competitors who were trying to imitate his drink.