29 Celebs Who Did Something Really, Really Bad
They ended up getting away with it.
Published 2 years ago in Creepy
Rich and famous celebrities live life by a different set of rules than unwashed peasants like you and I; whisked to the front of the line, bathed in the adulation of millions and showered in gifts, fame is something many can become far too accustomed to.
But that wealth and influence can only bend the rules so far; down below is a list of celebrities that have (allegedly) done terrible, unspeakable things that no amount of celebrity can sweep under the rug.
But that wealth and influence can only bend the rules so far; down below is a list of celebrities that have (allegedly) done terrible, unspeakable things that no amount of celebrity can sweep under the rug.
“How has nobody said Sean Penn? He hit Madonna over the head with a baseball bat when they were together. Broke into her (their) home when they were on the outs, tied her to a chair with cable, cut off her hair and beat her. Also left her there for like nine hours apparently and came back to continue. Then he forced her to perform sex acts on him. She managed to get away at some point and get to the cops. But she didn’t end up pressing charges.”28
“Mark Wahlberg was one of the few people in history to violate a civil rights injunction. A civil rights injunction is basically a court order telling someone to stop committing hate crimes. Mark Wahlberg was originally busted as a 15-year-old for attacking 4th graders for being black. Two years later he robbed and beat a Vietnamese man for being Asian, then beat another man for also being Asian. One of his victims was permanently injured. Then he became Marky Mark!”