People like to brag about themselves and their accomplishments. Sometimes it is deserved and warranted, other times the things are not even worth mentioning.
Not everyone should be so proud of the things they like to flaunt. Here are 28 things people need to stop bragging about ASAP.
The people who instantly have a solution for everything. Fat? Eat less. Addicted? Quit. Sad? Smile more. Broke? Get a better job. Tired? Sleep more. There is nuance to the issues of society.
They boast about how many drinks they can hold "and still drive home without a problem."
Bragging about how people are scared of them and no one will ever cross them because they know they will get there a*s beat. They're so crazy.
Self-victimizers who need to out-victimize everyone within a 100 foot radius. No one has ever had it harder than they do. One-uppers.
When a professor brags about how many people have failed their class.
She is generally a one-upper, and she has had a really hard life. But you can't talk about yourself for more than 30 seconds before she has a story about either how awesome she is, or how much harder than you she's had it. It's exhausting.
Bragging about successfully tricking people. Not like April Fools harmless pranks, stuff like stealing or cheating.
Yes. This means “I refuse to consider how my words might affect those around me.”
How crazy all their exes are.
How much they work and how little they sleep. That's an unbalanced person and they're unlikely to have an idea of "success" that includes other people.
"Owning" or "Triggering" people: "I'm so difficult to get along with that I was able to annoy someone into an outburst with only a brief interaction."
How they grew up in a time when raging abuse was the norm. And they "turned out just fine."
“I don’t have a filter.”
How quickly they cut people out of their lives. Sometimes it can be a good thing to cut people out of your life.It should almost always be bittersweet to actually do this. People who actually brag about this usually are people who refuse to accept personal fault.
How they can get any guy they want, married or not.
How much they “don’t care what other people think.” If you have to constantly tell others and yourself “I don’t care,” you totally do.
Bragging about not knowing things.
Men who can't talk to women like they're human beings and refer to them as "females."
"I am such a nice person." If you have to point it out, it's probably not true.
“Over half of you will quit this class before the semester ends. The half of that are remaining will fail.” Had a professor say this and could only think man you must be a sh***y teacher.
This is the relationship version of, "If you work with a guy who's an a**hole, then that guy's an a**hole. If you work with 20 guys and every last one is them is an asshole, you're the asshole."
Being toxic. “Omg I’m literally so manipulative, everyone’s afraid of me hehehe, I’m so problematic and toxic. No one can mess with me or else I’ll dox them, spread rumors and take them out."
Their luxurious material possessions and lavish lifestyle despite using debt and not having the money to support such a lifestyle.
Firing their employees. It can be necessary to do so, but when you brag about it, it sounds like you love executing power over weaker people and hurting them.
How "in the know" they are. At some point, it just becomes you turning into a conspiracy nut.
Ah, the person at my job who bought up all the toilet paper during the pandemic so they could sell it to coworkers at an inflated price. They can keep their Mercedes. I'd rather not be a monster.
Their investments. A particular Crypto, MLM, a stock pick or trading strategy.
Getting a rise out of people isn’t particularly a difficult thing to do. People just do this because they like the feeling of control that they get.
Making a big deal about bare minimum.