31 Folks Who Aren't the Brightest Lighbulb in the Shed
Some people really need help, and some people are so far gone they're past helping. The game today is trying to guess who is who.
Published 1 year ago in Facepalm
Some people really need help, and some people are so far gone they're past helping. The game today is trying to guess who is who as you scroll thorouhg collection of funny and boderline insane posts that might makeyou feel a little bit better about your own level of intelligence.
Some people really need help, and some people are so far gone they're past helping. The game today is trying to guess who is who.
From overbearing parents who don't know what a tire gage looks like to, people who never passed English, we've got a doozy of the bottom of the barrel.
But before you go and feel good about yourself, we've all said and done dumb stuff, so if you see yourself in this gallery, consider it a badge of honor.