31 Animal Facts Too Wild to Tame
Just how much do we really know about the animal kingdom?
Published 2 years ago in Wow
Nature provides a whole ton of awesome. From cool-ass megafauna to the non-feathered dinosaurs of the 90s, there are so many interesting (and sometimes WTF) facts to learn about the badass creatures that call this planet home.
All the deep sea anglerfish you see pictures of with the lil lights hanging over their heads? They're all female. The males are tiny and born with a terribly weak jaw and a massive hunger. They seek out a female, and torn between hungry and horny they bite her. She then releases an enzyme that fuses the male to her body. She slowly absorbs them into her body with only their lil testicles remaining so she can instantly fertilize her eggs when she wants to. Some females have rows and rows of lil testicles on their bodies from where they have absorbed multiple males. And you thought your sex life was weird, eh? But no kink shaming.21
Chickens will come say goodbye to each other when one is dying and they do soft clicks and will then leave and that chicken will normally die alone. Some chickens also will kill another chicken because they sense something’s wrong with the chicken, a disease for example. Hope u enjoyed these facts I found them in a book called How To Speak Chicken.24
A kangaroo will mate again one to three days after giving birth. the newborn will latch onto a teat in the pouch and as long as it thrives, the kangaroo can put its newly fertilized embryo in a state of dormancy and have a back up baby ready to go. if the newborn grows out of the pouch or dies, the kangaroos hormones will send signals to start the development of the egg. so they can have an adolescent Joey, a nursing one, and one in stasis all at the same time.28
The Inland Taipan (snake) has the strongest/potent venom on the planet, capable of killing around 290 humans with a single bite. Scaled to mice, a single bite could kill 250,000 mice. That said, bites from the Inland Taipan to humans have been ***pretty rare*** as they usually stay underground and are not overly aggressive unless you jump all over their burrow. They also have a good number of predators who prey on them.30
The bearded vulture or bone-eating vulture, is a rare eur-asian vulture that only eats marrow, that looks rusty in color but is in fact white. This rusty color is because they actually paint themselves with red clay deposits to look attractive to their mates. They are really cool looking. They have a little tuft of feathers below their beaks that looks like the beard of a dragon, so that is why they are called that. Other cool fact: They can dissolve bone in the acid of their stomach in 24 hours. The PH of their stomachs is 1 which is VERY acidic. They are the only vulture species in the world that 90% of its diet is just bone.31
The vast majority of Greenland sharks are blind thanks to a special parasite that eats their eyes and replaces them. It is thought that this might actually be helpful because a) their eyesight was s**t anyway, b) the parasites wave like lures and may have an anglerfish-like effect, and c) the sharks are super slow so that might be one of the few ways for them to catch live prey. Imagine something eating your eyeballs and it being an *upgrade*.